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Nefo Btobertteement& rpO the ELECTORS of the WAIRAU. GIKTLBIfSN— I beg to inform you that being about, for % time, to leave the colony, I have this day for: warded to the Speaker of the Houue of Representa--tives my resignation of that seat to which you did me the honour of electing me. I shall always esteem myself fortunate to have had the honour of representing you in the first General Assembly of New Zealand, in the trust that I may have approved myself not unworthy of your confidence 5 whilst it is an additional gratification to me to find that her Majesty's Home Government have, in tho despatch dated Downing-street, December Bth, 1854, and signed by Sir G. Grey, recommended to his Excellency the Acting Governor the precise line of conduct advisetMJJln by the ministry of which I bad last year the hbnour to form a part. Gentlemen, iapiddiag you for a time farewell, allow me to say that no circumstances can diminish the interest I 81/ all ever feel in the welfare of New Zealand, and esnpcially of the district of Wairau. iWe the hftnour to remain, Gentlemen", F Your most obedient servant, J Fbed. A. Weld. Nelsofl^Tune 13, 1855. TO LET ON HIRE, the Boat "WATERWITCH," Cutter ridged} carries five tons ; is % good, safe sea boat. / For particulars anplv^B .^JF*^ Robert Pobteb, s' On the Beach. mHAT part of the ERME RIDGE PROJL PERTY remaining unsold, viz., the Orchard and part of the Paddock, consisting of Seven Acres, is still for sale, in one, two, or more acre lolfs, on the terms advertised, viz., one- third cash, toe rest in instalments^ / These Sections have a frontage toyflie College Ground, ''V^ **X Apply on the Premises, or at the Examiner Office. Nelson, Monday, June 11th, 1855. MARES, EX 'WATERWITCH. 5 EOR SALE, ex 'Waterwitch,' 45 useful MARES, from the well-known stud of J. Windham, Esq.i New South Wales. May be seen at Rostrevor Farm, Richmond. For particulars apply to / W. R. Nicholson & Co., Nelson ; / Or to / Mr. Cube, at the Star and Garter, J Richmond. Nelson^nine 0. MR. CREASY, Estate Agent, has been requested to dispose of several ALLOTMENTS of LAND, of 2 Acres each, prettily situated at the back of Mr. Hale's Nursery, on the Waimearoad. The soil is good and the situatioif* attractive, not only from its commanding scenery, ybut also from the fact of its being immediately in the/eighbourhood of the College Reserve. DENTISTRY. MR. C. H. MOFFITT, SURGEON DENTIST, begs to announce to the inhabitants of Nelson and the surrounding districts, that he may be CONSULTED in the various branches of iis profossion, at Mr. Clabk's, in Trafalgar-street, torn 10 o'clock to S; and, ao his Btaj- at Nelson rrill beJlimitcd to a month, persons requiring his profeaaionaUeervices will please to make an early application, k^ Nelson, June 12, 1855. RICHMOND MECHANICS' INSTITUTION. A GENERAL MEETIJNG of the MEMBERS, and of all interested in the above Institution, will bo held mi the School-room, on SATURDAY, the 23rd instarft, at 7, p.m., to receive the Report of the Comi9i4Me and to consider some important matters to be then submitted. The public is particularly requested to attend. »- T. J. Thompson, Sec. TO BE LET for the ensuing Covering Season, the Services of "ST. AUBIN," one of the purest thorough breds ever imported. St. Aubin was bred by Mr. Foljambe, of Nottinghamshire. He is a rich dark brown, over 15} hands high ; half brother to the Flying Dutchman and Andover, by Bay Middleton, out of Black Agnes, by Velocipede. (See Stiid Book.) Bay Middleton won the 2,000 guineas Stakes at Newmarket, the Ascot Cup and Derby Stakes, and never was beaten ; And was sold for 4,000 guineas. The Flying Dutchman and Andover are also the largest winners infEngland. -A-ppiy t° / • G. W. SOHBODEB. dlofoernment $tottce* Resident Magistrate's Office. Nelson, 9th June, 1855. NOTICE is hereby given that a SPECIAL MEETING of JUSTICES of the PEACE for the district of Nelson will be held at the Coubt House, Nelson, on WEDNESDAY, the 27th instant, for the purpose of considering applications for Slaughter-house Licenses. V Au applications must be lodged with mea ten days before the day of meeting. J John Shabp, *•/ Clerk to Magistrates. WANTED, by the Committee, ot the Nelson School Society, a MASTER, to conduct the Society's School in the town, the appointment to date from the 23rd of July next. Further information may be obtained of th/ Secretary. Applications will be received on orjbarore the 25th of June instant, by W: M. Stanton, Hon. Secretary. Trafalgar-street, June 1. PROVINCE OF CANTERBURY. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SUMNER-ROAD.— GOLLAN'S BAY TUNNEL. THE Provincial Government are prepared to receive TENDERS, up to the 18th day of June next, for the formation of a TUNNEL, 350 yards in length, from Grollan's Bay to the Gorge of Sumner Valley under Evan's Pass. The Tunnel will be 12 feet wide, and from 12 feet high in the centre to 16 feet high at the ends. The ground to bo traversed is of volcanic formation, and is supposed to be solid rock throughout the whole length of the Tunnel. ' The drawings, specification, and conlitions of contract, may be seen on and after May lsjton application at tho Office of Public Works. J The Provincial Government will Tiot be bound to accept the lowest or any tender. E. DOBSON, Provincial Engineer. Office of Public Works, Tuam-street, Christchurch, Canterbury, New' Zealand, April 13th, 1855, O be SOLD, two excellent Cart COLTS, by Athelstane, out of Mr. Nixon's well-known mares ; now rising three years, and standing about 16 £ands high. They are broken to the saddle, and prove excellent hacks. \ Apply at Wensley Hill Farnl or to Mr. William Habkness, Richmond. / m^y W. O. Cautley. Wensley HilL April 7. i~IATTLE taken on FOURTHS, by parties V^ of experience and respectabUty, on a Run south of the Canterbury block. J For further particulars apjljd J. Lohgdbx, Canterburr. - , /
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Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XIV, Issue XIV, 13 June 1855, Page 2
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989Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XIV, Issue XIV, 13 June 1855, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XIV, Issue XIV, 13 June 1855, Page 2
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