To the Editor or the Nelson Examiner.
Sir— Having observed in your paper of list week, a letter signed G. Cutfield, in which it is stated that a Mr. D— (by whom, I presume, was meant myself) was prevented from settling at Taranaki, owing to the representations of Mr. Poynter and Mr. Stafford, I beg to state, for Mr. Cutfield's information, that he has been misinformed, as neither of those gentlemen ever attempted to dissuade me from going to Taranaki, nor had I ever at any time contemplated settling in that, district, haying left England with the intention of remaining at Nelson. With respect to those portions of Mr. Cutfield's letter, in which he says that reports unfavourable to Taranaki are circulated at Nelson before persons newly-arrived in the colony, I can only say, that wherever I happen to have heard Taranaki alluded to by residents in this settlement, it was invariably in terms of praise, and from what I have learnt since my arrival here, I believe that a considerable amount of interest is taken in the progress of Taranaki, as being in many respects similarly situated to Nelson.
As to Captain Grant's aversion to visit Taranaki, it did not certainly originate at Nelson, but was an opinion which he entertained on leaving England, in consequence of reports with respect to that place which he had heard beforo commencing the voyage, and which reports I frequently heard him allude to during the passage. I remain, sir, &c, Edwin Dashwood.
To the Editor or the Nelson Examiner.
Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume VIII, Issue 389, 18 August 1849, Page 99
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