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MEETING OF KRUiXGJaOVVERS AT • STOKE TO-NIGHT. suggestion to hold an Apple Duy in town to dispose of some portion of the apples that were swept from the trees during yesterday's storm, has been received with great interest. The opportunity to lessen the loss to growers*, and at the same time popularise the-consumption of apples is on e that orcharclists are desirous of taking advantage of, and a meeting of all fruitgrowers, called by the Stoke Fruitgrowers' Association, will 7>e held at the-Stoke Public Hall at 7.30 this evening* . As it is a matter in which grow- , exs-.are ritally interested it is. hoped that there will be a good attendance, and- that all wi'l put their shoulder to the wheel. As* ' stated yesterday, the storm 'brought down thousands of cases of apples' throughout' the district. • The fruit was ready for gathering, and first-class in quality and the great bulk of t.*at lying under the trees will have suffered little if any damage. , The meeting to-night will make arrangements for Apple "Day, which it is proposed --hall be on Saturday next. "Jonathans and Mt.nroes have <been the'varieties to •-'""'" r most. Both are in the first rank a- (suality apples, and householders will Lavt- an opportunity iif' "securing these favourite varieties at'a - price that ha- hitherto been unheard, of.' . ■ It- -is understood that all parts 01 the district will be invited to partici-pat»-"in the supplies for Apple Day. ," Al large, number of workers will be required" in he orchards to prepare the fruit- for Satuidav. It is understood that iSlr Boyes (Chairman of the Town Schools Gommittee) subject to tne~ approval of Mr Gibbs (headmaster) granted", a holiday to about 50 pupils of the Bovfr' Central School to go out to the Stoke orchards to assist in the preparations/ - Mr- Gi'bfos gave his approval, and, subject, to parents' consent, the bov*- will -therefore assist- • The Mayor (Mr W. W. Snodgrass) siaa- suggested that many patriotic citiehs may desire to purchase case? of apples on Apple Day and send them. tor th«» soldiers. This is a good!, idea, and should be warmly taken up. . In town the proposal to have an Apple Day has "quite caught >the popular faucv, and there need be no doubt on the part of growers that provided the price to Ibe asked is reasonable and arrangements' can" be made, for delivery, larsre quantities of apples will - foe "disposed, of. * ■ SUGGESTED APPLE DAT. .* " .{To the BditoT.y JSir—The suggestion in this day's Evening Mail to hold an apple day in Nelson to help the orchardists who had suffered during the gale would certainly efre the public'a chance of buying apples a little cheaper. I use the word "little" '.because the public are now able to' buy verv cheap apples. As a grower told"me-from Upper Moutere the-other dav. they "hardlv paid to cart into Nel- . eon;*a»the following priced apples now offered to the public, delivered free, will 6K6w: Cookers 2s 6d bushel, Munroes Favourites 3s 9d, Cox's Orange 5s 9d. Hoover 4s 6d, Jonathans 4s 6d, all first class "stuff. Then I fail to see how it would realy'benefit the growers to have an apple day-in Nelson, for most" of the storekepeers have a large stock of apples on hand, and also have made arrangements for the coming seasons ap- j •Dies To put a windfall apple on the market would stay the sale of the better fruit. It is very hard on the fruitwho having bought apples from the grower and arranged for the season to be met with competition that leaves him with a lot of perishable fruit on hand The retail fruiterer has been hit vuVy hard during the last two years bv manv charitable functions—and though I have as much sympathy as most people in all good works.' one has to draw file line. or. go under in hnsmess. The proof of this lies in the fact that most of tne fruiterers of Nelson would onlv be too glad to reasonably vaco. I should expect from this.letter the true opinions of other fruiterers of Nelson. I am. etc, M- J- W. TNNES, Nelson. (Nelson is not vet an apple consuming community. The people as a whole do not fully the food value ofapples. An Apple Day, while being useful in getting rid of much of the fruit -which was blown oil in the recent storm, and which, to say the least, should not be wasted-, will do much towards increasing the demand for apples as part of a family's food supply. Definite standing - orders for apples will benefit growers, fruiterers, and" consumers. It is the present spasmodic purchasing that creates .many of the difficulties, including high pric*e. for all concerned). ._. ■ ■——*
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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LII, Issue 68, 20 March 1918, Page 6
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789APPLE DAY IN TOWN Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LII, Issue 68, 20 March 1918, Page 6
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APPLE DAY IN TOWN Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LII, Issue 68, 20 March 1918, Page 6
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Nelson Evening Mail. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.