THE ANNUAL REPORT, The annual report of the Nelson Acclimatisation Society, which was to havo been presented at the mooting called ,for Thursday, but which was postponed for want of a quorum, is as follows: Financial.—-Receipts for the year, £248 13s 6d j balance carried forward from previous year, £251 6s lid; expenditure for-the year, £3ll 10s 8d; leaving a credit balance of £IBB 9s 9d; ■ cash assets of the Society, £355 16s 9d'; liabilities amount to,, £34 10s; leaving 1 the Society to credit, £321 6s 9d. In presenting "their report for the year , 1914-15 to the members of the Nelson Acclimatisation Society the Council have pleasure in placing before them such a satisfactory Balance-sheet, notwithstanding that the revenue from trout licenses was, no more than last year. Deer. —The number of licenses to stalk deer during the year 1914-15 was 134, compared with 130 issued the previous year . The stalkers were not quite Ao successful in securing good heatds as ~ last year, „ the stags probably keeping "more in the bush owing to the dry Beason. In accordance with the recommonda-' tions of an Advisory Board, your Coun- ' cil, acting , under instructions from a general meeting, erected a deer park in Todd's Bush. The park has proved anything but a success through the' difficulty,in securing any does, and your Council would recommend that • thoenclosur© be taken down and the i wire netting sold. , , ~.' * Trout. —The ova purchased 'from' the ■ Otago Acclimatisation Society, was", .to- l ceived in perfect condition,, enabling the Curator to have a very successful hatching out. . ■ The young trout were distributed in. > , the following rivers: — - - Maitai .. 50,000' Upper Motueka and Motxxpiko 50,000. Stanley Brook, Graham, Dove 50,000 Whangamoa , 30,000 „• "Happy Valley . '30,000, ' Wairoa and Aniseed, x 60,000 Upper Wai-iti , '20,000 Baton . , • 10,090,^ .Total! • ; 300,000 '•; -- In the early part of the season:/;, .the, - .fishing in the 'Maitai was better than . has been, for years, but later • . continued,dry. weather almost entitely >' put a stop to' any' fishing in "this river. *, The Motueka still held ;its reputation'' as being the l best river in the district. "The -•'. Teports of the fishing in the Whangamoa , and Wairoa >vere fairly satisfactory, Wttt ( , very few fish were' caught'in'the Alruseed or Happy Valley. t i ."' Shortly after the close of theaeown. . ' the Curator, assisted by three- members of the Council, had a very successful ' day in the Wai-iti, when they succeeded in netting several thousand strong! youhg trout, which were liberated in \> the - Wairoa and Maitai. Your Council recommend that the "Wai-iti should • W . netted again next year as soon as the river is low enough /which. would ■ en-, able the rivers to be 're-stocked at a small expense, and the fish so, secured . would have a very good chance of our- v , vivitig. * ','•*' \ * 1 Pheasants.—The country members '*£ - , the Council report that the t pheasanta are thriving, and> that joveria hundred ' young birds have been seen in various parts'of the district. ' "'■ >- - Banging. —The Ranger has ; workefl, \ hard in the interests- of the Society,- and I the Council is of" opinion that he has . heen the means of greatly checkingpoaching. : ■ o
Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLVIII, Issue XLVIII, 29 May 1915, Page 1
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