THE NEW BILL. SOIIE DRASTIC CHARGES. INSPECTION OF PRIVATE SCHOOLS (From our Special Correspondent). WELLINGTOjN, This Day. The measure which is the outcome of the Stoke Industrial School Inquiry made its appearance in the House last night, and was read a first time. It is called the Private Industrial Schools Inspection and Industrial Schools Act
Amendment Bill, It provides that no
institution, the managing body of which lias its head or controlling power outside New Zealand, shall be approved by tho Minister as a private or local school, nor shall any such private or local schcol be hereafter established under the Act of 1882 No child shall be committed or transfer, rod to any such school already established, and within six mouths of the passing of the Act every such school shall cease to be a school within the meaning of the iVct of 1882, and no public money shall be granted to it. Tho Bill further empowers the Minister to withdraw the inmates from any private or local school where the management is unsatisfactory, and transfer them to some other schools. The Minister is also empowered to purchase or lease any land aud buildings used as a private or local school, and huch schools may be visited at any time by members of the Legislative Counciland J House of Representati res, members of
local bodies, Charitable Aid Boards, Education Boards, School Committees, Justices of the Peace, or any other person authorised by tho Minister. A book is to bo kept in which visitors may write any remarks they have to mako. Tho Governor in Council is empowered to make regulations for the management and inspection of the schools, for the employment, education, and so forth of the | inmates, and for their classification. The age limit of children who may be sent to industrial schools is increased from lo to Hi years, and the power of transferring inmates from one school to another is not to be limited. The punish ment for certain offences by inmates of private or local schools is not to be inflicted ra the school or by tho managers
Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXXIV, Issue 217, 14 September 1900, Page 2
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