The fortnightly meeting of. the City Council was held last night. : The Town Clerk having officially notified the death of the late Mayor, it was resolved, on the motion of Cr Pickering, "That this Council learns from the Town Clerk with deep regret of the death of the Mayor, Mr J. H. Levien, and resolves that a letter be sent to Mrs Levien, signed by the chairman, sympathising with her in her bereavement." Leave was granted to Mr Lock to shift his weighbridge on the same conditions as those imposed upon Mr Carter. Leave was granted to Mr Carter to quarry for stone in the hill at , the end of Bridge-street, under the supervision of the City Surveyor. ; The City Surveyor reported that he was about to commence metalling the Haven-road, and to call for tenders, for the formation of St. Vincent-street. He also suggested that the new telegraph poles should be used as lamp posts, as in some places they concealed . the present street lamps. £_The City Surveyor laid on, the table a plan for a proposed bathing place between the Commercial Wharf and the Pilot Station.. The cost, he estimated,* -wouid .be .£245.7, \ After sbra^ discussion, the matter was referred to a Committee consisting of Crs Pickering, * Gray, Levien, Waters, and Everett. The election of a Mayor waa fired for the 21st instant, and of a Councillor for the 28th. Cr Webb was appointed Returning Officer. Cr Harley moved his resolution in reference to a half-tide roadway rpund the Eocks. He considered it an portant public work, wbich could be done for about £200, towards which the Provincial Government would contribute £50 on certain conditions. Mr Green would give £100 if ! necessary, and others in the neighborhood /would subscribe. After some discussion, it waa '< resolved, on the motion of Cr Everett, " That the matter be deferred until the Surveyor, together with Cr Harley, the Inspector of Works, and the Surveyor of the Waimea' Road Board have gone over the proposed road, and the professional gentlemen ha\o sent in an approximate estimate of the cost."- 7 if i The consideration of the bye-laws relative to gorse was postponed until next meeting. , , Cr Pickering obtained permission to withdraw his resolution regarding the price of gas, he having satisfied himself that' the reduction could not be made. The Council then adjourned.
Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XI, Issue 145, 10 June 1876, Page 2
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