The Nelson Evening Mail. TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1875.
. « Many of; our readers will regret to, hear df the death of Mr J. P. Taylor, aft one time a well-known resident in this . province. "lie died at Rivertoo, Southland, on Thursday, . after .a\ loaf and painjtul.illness.., The City Rifles Dramatic Company rtjvil] give fheir entertainment at the .Oddfellows' Hall this evening. The first part will consist of songs, dances, ; feats on the trapeze, &c, iarid the second .comprises the sensational drama entitled * The Count's Secret." . "'...' .Triß.Duvalli Sisters will arrive by the Taupo on her return from Taranaki r -and give a performance ', bt thei, Odd- , .Fellows' Hall on Monday evening. • We are glad to learn from the University Gazette that Mr Percy B. " Adatnsf,~of 'Trinity Hall, Cambridge, f who received, his. education af;.. Nelson "College, has passed his law exaniihation. and. obtained his Bachelor of Arts degree. • -TriE Resident Magistrate desires ud to state that he haa received an anonymous letter making very gross charges against certain tradespeople in this town who have always borne a respectable character. The Resident Magistrate . has satisfied himself from close examination that the letter was sent to him by a rival tradesman, and he has accordingly handed it to the solicitors of the parties accused, to take such steps against the writer as they may think fit. This is by no means the first instance that has come under our notice of an attempt to blacken a neighbor's character by this contemptible practice of anonymous letter writing, and we shall be very glad to hear that the author has been discovered.
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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume X, Issue 205, 17 August 1875, Page 2
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The Nelson Evening Mail. TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1875.
Nelson Evening Mail, Volume X, Issue 205, 17 August 1875, Page 2
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