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Tie meeting of parishioners of All Saints' Church, called for last evening to consider the raising of the balance of £ISOO to free tho church of debt by November 1 next, when the consecration will take place, was not largely attended, but enthusiasm made up for look of numbers. Rev. H. G. Kosher presided. . A number of apologies for absence were received and read, many of those unable to be present intimating their intention to take boxes for collection. "It seems to me," said the Rev. Mr Roslier, in opening the meeting, "that the people of PaJmerston have the opportunity of doing something not done beforer-of raising the sum of £ISOO before All Saints Day next. November 1, to free the church from debt, without having any church acre or endowment at, its back." Mr Rosher went on to say that there were several things which might appeal to thorn. First, it had been said that the erection of the church had been a handsome addition to the town and had tended to raise tho value of land in the Square. That, however, was not the reason why they should •uppoft the raising of the balance of the money due. There was a higher reason, whioh he had already mentioned in opening. To carry out this obiect would bo an inspiration to other churches in New Zealand desirous of building church edifices. There was a still higher reason, said the speaker, and that, was the grand opportunity of realising the joy of sacrifices and what it really meant. There were many, he proceeded, who had already given to tho fund. It seemrd to him there should b© a more widespread enthusiasm and willingness to work. The work in the past had been perhaps laid on too few shoulders, and it would be better if more would take up the work. Mr Rosher then dealt with the scheme whereby it vas proposed to raise the balance, details of which were printed in the "Standard" several days ago In a letter from th© speaker Mr Morrah. Continuing, he said that it meant that those already who had made a sacrifice would still be asked to give again, and.if they did it would kindle the fire of enthusiasm. Mr Permain had offered to give his time from now on till the end of October ' to get people to take up tho boxes. (Applause). Ho would go all around the district and get in touch with the people, ac it had been said that the money was there for tho collecting. Mr Rosher also referred to another point in the collection—by way of friends. A little note to one's friends would do a lot in helping then: in their mission.
Mr Morrah said he was disappointed to •ee such a small attendance on a matter which was to Palmerston one of the biggest things ever undertaken locally. They were going to give a gift to Almighty God on All Saints' Day. When one gave a gift to his earthly parent it was without a blot upon it. How much more should it be so with their church—the gift should be given without compulsion? Mr Morrah said he felt very strongly on the matter, for il meant that only "fifteen hundred people of Palmerston were asked to givo a small sovereign—as much as they spent on a nights entertainment at the theatre. Surely it should not be a very difficult matter for such a town calling itself a progressive one to raise the amount. If it did not, then its nama progressive should be dropped. (Ap plause). Dealing with the position of the church fund, Mr Morrah said that al the presenl moment the Bank was due £6OO. £7CO had to be paid to the contractor by next month. £3OO had to be paid io the contractors for the pews, and £l5O had to be ' paid for architects' fee?, making a total of £1250. He had in absolute promises £3OO. leaving £950, which was included in tin ( £ISOO to be raised. Mr Morrah asked that, those taking boxes should send tin money collected each month 'to him, and it would go to the reduction of the debt. "I hope," he said, "the people will realise this fact—that it is only by self-sacrifice that wo will do this thing." Mr J. 11. Hankins said that during tin poet seven or eight weeks he had collected £2O. and he would take a Ih>x and pledge hinKsolf to collect another £2O. He hoped the congregation would put its shoulder to the wheel and have the church free of debt by November 1. He was pleased to see the Church already erected. He had not hoped to 6ec that done in his day. Mr Morrah said that he had received an offer of £SO if nine others would give a like amount, and one of £lO on the same conditions. The Rev. Rosher pointed out that it was only necessary to have the money in hand by the date of consecration, and it could be placed on the altar as their gift. He also stated that in Gisborne a fortnight ago £I6OO had been raised to pay off a church debt. The collecting boxes have a wrapper on which was printed: "All Sainto' New Church Completion Fund. This £ISOO i~ a challenge to the real worth of our Christianity and churchmanship, etc., £ISOO wanted by All Saints' Day (November 1, 1914) so that the new church may be consecrated free of debt." Mr A. Pickering then moved: "That this meeting of parishioners express the truest hope that the £ISOO required to free from debt the new church of All Saints' may be raised, and pledges itself to do all in its power to secure this result so that the sum may be presented as a great thanksoffering to Almighty God at the consreraiion service on All Saints' Da v. November 1. 1914. Mr H. Pickering seconded the moiion, which was unanimously carried. A large number of boxes were thon handed to'collcctors, nearly £250 being pledged in the room.
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Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 9834, 27 June 1914, Page 3
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1,029EXTINGUISHING THE DEBT. Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 9834, 27 June 1914, Page 3
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EXTINGUISHING THE DEBT. Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 9834, 27 June 1914, Page 3
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