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I'Vltoii and Paddor; row today for the championship of Australia and £2ooaside. I lie latest addition to tho telephone exchamre is No. 719. Ualiretv and Co., Ltd., wool and >kin More. Grey street. Preliminary \\«.»rk in connection with the rrcciion of the ne.v All Saints' Church was eoniiniiKvd by the contractor this morning. The Wellington Motor Cycling Club are holding a 24-hour reliability trial towards the cud of this month. The route will be Wellington to Tuihape. via Manawatu. and return via W'airarai>a.
Tlie complete entries for the Masurton A. ami P. Show. to in' held next week, number 2064. In sheep classes alone there are 639 entriiin cattle there are 26!. in horse.-) ooT.
A garden party it. to be held on Wednesday next in aid of St. Paul's Church building fund, Mr G. 11. Bennett having kindly lent his ample grounds in Terrace street for the purpo-e. Tennis, croquet, and other games will be indulged in. and afternoon tea will be provided. T lie annual meeting of the Paitnerston Ninth coursing club was held last evening. I lie report and ludance-cheet showed that good progress had been made by the club during the past season. Lat-t year's "dicers were re-elects! and committees appointed preparatory to opening the 1913 eeamn. Th*> programme committee has tinnext meeting in hand.
A < '>iYr-i>»:uiint \\ rii<■>.— 1 "\V«» <;ftou hoar oi tin- Kilkenny boxing match, whore two -iiN fought till there was nothing U-ft but tinls. This is almost- eclipsed bv ih-> I'iilinerston rals. A trap wa* s«t la--*t night :it one <>f the business premists in ih.' Square. and alter a diligent. search tnis morning the trap w:.s found with the end of a rat .> nose m it. His brethren hail ooiiuiliolii d al! the re.-t of the bo<ly. thereby performing a sanitary tout." A meeting <>f the Council of the Manawatu Art and Crafts Club was held at the ( iul) > room la>t evening". in connection with the forthcoming Exhibition is now well in hand Permi-sion has Iwn received from the Minister of Internal Aliair- to hold ati art union in connection with tii.* Inhibition. The Council have decided to make a vigorous canvas for hon. members from among the cit i/ens of Palmerston.
< übi street this morning was tho scene <>t a series of Mis. which fortunately were slopped More an accident of a serious nature occurred. A biker's cart, in which a small child wa. sitting, bolted first, turning into < ul, a street from Andrew Young Mr. el and making for Rangitikei street. Hi" r ire iJrigade horse. which was being |:ik<ii to its paddock, startled hv the other b"lt. next joined f | lo op A !ltt , p i' j a "er a horse in a drav was « t gping »■> 'he other two. an d the three careered | >wnwards. What looked like a big smash. owe\.>!, was averted by the prompt action "t -onie onlooker.-.
Tie following notices of niot j on were -i yn at the osp.tal Hoard meeting •rda :-Mr || o w,e: That the resolution b.tu !, ,i' WaS <I, .' CU H f0 rroct a «>rri«lor ' " , Un -r * ht »ne :i » l1 tho hospital - lesciiHlel. Mr Xas}); Th;it fjK> 1 ° f ~ h" uork d»ne bv ir mo h T lO P ' tal du , rin P anv M .1 notitli. The Mayor explained that lie a ~1 Tl a. t, ii I hacl "<* 'miil'lailOTl wrong Ini the htvoital was not a sweat inir institution, am he i , a in^ i • wanted the matter inquired into. an r
I <!, v: «isj was l^in? • !•. «l.uifrtori. -Alien Mr T. M WilV c,) " 11^1 f' i- iwlitionor. asked | n . Honor Mr struck him that a la.-po "number ' of'tbo mn rriair-- M la , onmo into tho r V™ '•iV tlt'Mit'li flier th* l * has not struck • >i-l' th. i ;.n> several on this . K \m >•>. cuM|.k- ~f l " >noi '"' ( ;" ,nn, '< 1 thorn wore no child ,il " w. "x„ w ,h !lt » !i Honor. ",, it V rry m muinn KM- <U-O- Mr \\,|for,l remarked that it showed wlwt at w children w, r .^ u rc^ ootid of friendship Eat hearty and enjoy it. Stearns' Wine of Cod Liver Extract creates an appetite helps digest food, assist! in the bodv nourishment and strengthen# broken down
Monev can lie saved l>v buying at Ross and Cos. Root. Nile. A magnificent stock of high quality goods at real bargain prices. Buyers delighted. Have vou been''
We are clearing the balance of Showroom l.oods. and great bargains are dailv secured bv buyers. Ladies Fashionable Washing Costumes from h lid each; Handsomely Lnibroidered Muslm Blouses, to clear bal ance of sjork. 2s 6d and 4s lid; Veiled Huffon very choice, formerly 10s 6d and 12s 6c . sale price. 5s Ud. See our prices for balance of Straw • ,no,l Millincrr. C. M. rS^'c^aS? When tho Customs duty was a uniform percentage ad valorem, the passing of tho entries was quit* easy. Nowadays it lakes a brainy man to run the gauntlet of th® many different tariffs. Merchants can lave both tiino and worry by getting their Customs work done by J. J. Curti» and Co.. Customhouse Quay, Well ington.-Advt . stock of school books and requisites for the opening of the State and Hiah schools is at Park s, bookseller and stationer. —Advt
All bankruptcy business will bo taken at 2 o'clock at the Supreme Court «n Monday afternoon. At the Feilding «Je on Friday. «■ pen of well-grown woollv lambs on account of Mr Charles Ckrr, from hj» Te Ohu property, at Lmutoi. realised 1<» the highest price of the season. f The monthly meeting of the Farmers Union was held this morning. 1 resent— Messrs J. Wingate (chairman), Captain Hewitt, Messrs H. J. A. Barber, B» ward ner, I* K Bryant. F. Maule, A. Mathieson and J. Bulsillie. An apology was received from Mr A. Buchanan for absence.
Taking advantage of the large number of fire brigade representatives at present in W'anganui for the annual demonstration. » has been arranged to hold in the Upera Uo -o, to-morrow night, a grand rocai and pictorial entertainment, the! net prom-ds of which will be given to iutid. Superintendent- Barnard and Mr lilt Woon are cooperating with Mr Jamieson, Hayward's Wanganui manager.and* number of Palmerstouians will contribute to the programme. 4 Nearly 700 children from the >Campbe» street, Longburn, and Linton schools on the annual Excursion toPhmmertony?*terdav. accompanied by their teacher®, members of the school ooinmittees, parents, ana friends. The train left town at eight o'clock and reached the 9ea sJ® town just afler eleven odock. lje weather was not altogether favourable, a cold and boisterous wind Wowing oil tne sea all dav, and making things unpleasant." The weathercondition* did[not, however, daini>en the spirits of the children, who made the most of the occasion- Matninfr, games, and rambles over the hills helptod to pass the dav. and at intervals reiresninents were served, the neee«ary requirements for tea making being supplied by tne school committees. From the ruvenile point of view the excursion was a-huge success, and it was a thoroughly happv—it somewhat tired—party that reached Palmerston ju«t after eight o'clock. Motor 'bus enthusiasts in Palmerston who consider that means of transit should bo installed in this town in preference to electric trams, will be interested in the experience of Hastings Yesterday .Mr Wellwood. who practically initiated the motor bus service in that town, gave a "Standard" representative some particulars of the rtsuits of the system. They had one 'bus i tinning, Mr Well wood explained, and it had proved very profitable. The route chosen was the Havelock road, which was divided into s«"ctions, there being regular topping places. On Sundays excursions were alto run to the beach. Ti;e next statement of Mr Wellwood s contradicted tha view that is generally held that 'buses damaged the roads, rnd he iui':.
Matr(l that they were easy to ride in even on the Borough roads, which had been cut. up as a result of water and sewerage in-.--t.illations. Another 'bus was coining to hand and wcnld lie ready for use next month, and the company that controlled their running hoped to have four on th<» loads by May. There was also a probability that ir.oro would be ordered. TV© capital of the company was origL-ally fixed at £IO.OOO. but only £4500 had been called up and no further calls were anticipated. Mr Well wood was very enthusiastic regarding the 'bus service at. Hastings and also very sanguine as to future results.
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Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 9419, 15 February 1913, Page 4
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1,412Untitled Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 9419, 15 February 1913, Page 4
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Untitled Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 9419, 15 February 1913, Page 4
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