(By Telegraph,)
(By Our Pabliamentaby Repobteb.) THE RACING COMMISSION DELAYED.
Tlio first meeting of tho reconstructed Racing Commission has been indefinitely delayed by the serious illness of one of its members, Mr R. McVay, of Napier. Sir George Clifford, chairman of the Commission, and Messrs Rowe '.and Nolan are in Wellington, but Mr A, Cohen, of. Duncdin, has not yet arrived, Messrs Albert Bruce (chairman of tho Country Racing Club's Conference) and W. T. Jennings, M.P., had a private interview with tho chairman of tho Commission. MOKAU REPORT EXPECTED NEXT WEEK.
Tho report of the Native Affairs Committee on its investigations of the Mokau land transactions will probably bo presented to Parliament at the end of next week. Tho evidence is now being printed, and as soon as this is ready tho Committee will meet to deliberate upon its findings,
Tho writer of Labour notes in tho Auckland Herald comments on'tho Parnell contest as follows:—"Tho Government, for it is the Government that is at the bottom of it, has. set up Sir John Findlay to contest the seat for Parnell, and that, too, with a Labour candidate already in tho' field. So much for its practical sympathy with Labour. As a matter of course, Sir John Findlay will be nominated by the City and Ponsonby Liberal and Labour Federations, for not onoo havo these bodies nominated or supported a Labour candidate. Nevertheless, let us hope that Sir John Findlay will find himself 'No. 2' on tho day of election, and J.. Mack, with a substantial majority, The Liberal opposition to tho Labour man deserves to bo well marked, even to the extent, where there is not a Labour candidate in the field, of voting Conservative in every constituency." Tho Auckland Stage Employees' Union has. passed tho following resolution: — "The members of this union are disgusted with tho Government in sotting up Sir John Findlay to contest the Parnell seat with Mr J. Mack, and unless Sir John Findlay is withdrawn this union will use its Influonco in advocating tho return of Opposition candidates wherever there are no Labour or Socialist candidates in the field."
Mr Joseph Ivess, .a well-known journalist; and a former member of the House, is tbo latest candidate for the Waimarino seat.
Mr A. Withy, the single-taxcr, who had intended offering himself for election in Waitemata, lias withdrawn from that contost, and will stand for Auckland East against Mr A. M. Myers. Writing to a friend in Masterton, Mr A. W. Hogg, M.P., says:—"l am in hopes that a few days longer will soo. mo out of the doctor's hands. I hear that inquiries have been made regarding the party I mean to support Thoro should bo no doubt about tins, especially on the part of those who know my political career. I have constantly supported tho Liberal and Labour platform throughout; but the Ward Government and its policy now differs so greatly- from that of the Liberal and Labour Federation with which for many years I have. been, identified, that it no longer possesses my confidence. My ticket is Independent Labour, and I hope to see a new party returned as the result of the general elections, quite distinct from tho pitesent Government or Opposition. This explanation, I hope, will be sufficient to satisfy anyone who is in doubt about my political viowfs." Tho Levin Chroniclo has reason to beliovo that Mr Thomson, of Linton, who addressed several meetings in support of his candidature for Otaki electorate, lias decided not to go on with his campaign for this electorate, though possibly ho may take the field for tho Manawatu seat.
Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 9632, 5 October 1911, Page 5
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