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Mr .Thomas Horton, who passed away at his residence in Maxwell Road early this morning, Avas for many years one of the most prominent and strongest figures in the business and civic circles of Blenheim. Before he came to this district, about 43 years ago, he had a career that Avas full or incident and interest. He led a life of stirring adventure on the goldfields of Victoria, Central Otago, and the West Coast of New Zealand. He was born in Yorkshire, England, 83 years ago, his father being the Rev. Thomas Horton, one of the first Anglican ministers to preach in New South Wales. Coming out .as a youth to Australia Avith his father, who Avas chaplain to Governor Fitzroy, he finished his education at King's College, Sydney.- In the early 'GO's he Avas, engaged in banking on the Victorian goldfields, and he Avas agent-for the Oriental Bank at Kiandraj Victoria-, in 1861. AfterAvards he Avent to Nbav Zealand to open up a branch for the Bank of NeAV South Wales in Queenstown, Central Otago, and having remained there for some time, he proceeded to Greymouth and Hokitika, Avhere he Avas Provincial Treasurer until 1874. Then he Avent,. to Levuka, Fiji', to open the, brancli of the Bank of NeAV Zealand. Leaving Fiji in 1876 he returned to New Zealand and settled down in Blenheim, Avhere he lived until his death. Mr Horton served several terms as a Borough Councillor of this toAvn. and he was. Mayor from 1894 to 1897. A felicitous incident of his Mayoral period Avas the presentation to him of a silver cradle in behalf of the citizens. The deceased was a brilliant scholar and possessed a rare knoAvledge of classics. He Avas an especially fine public sneaker, and his speech on thei occasion of the Queen Victoria Jubilee Avas an admirable instance of his oratorical ability. Mr Horton Ayas a man of remarkable physical stamina, and it Ayas only Avithin the last feAV months that the state of his health compelled him to retire finally from his daily business associations. He retained his mental fatuities practically undiminished to the very last. He Avas married in 1869, and leaves a AviddAv, six sons, and six daughters. The sons are: Messrs Harry Horton, of Blenheim: Geoffrey Horton, of Buluwayo, Soxith Africa ,• Mervyn Horton. of the Union Steam Shir> Company. Dunedin :' Fin Horton, Carnarvon, West Australia; ■Tohn ■.Horton,, solicitor, Hamilton; Thomas" Hector Horton, farmer. Masterton. -. The daughters, are the Misses -Frances, Beatrice, -To, Rene, ■a.nd Decinia Horton, and Mrs A. J. Maclaine, "of Blenheim. Taat> of his sons, Messrs Geoffrey and Mervyn, served,at the w«r front for le^gtbv neriods, and a third son, Mr T. H. Horton, Avas in cnmp for some months, but Avas discharged as bein^ physically unfit: for active service. Miss Decim-i Horton Avas a nursing sister for three and sv half years i" Bfrvnt, the 'Mediterranean, and England.
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Marlborough Express, Volume LIII, Issue 252, 24 October 1919, Page 5
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487THOMAS HORTON. Marlborough Express, Volume LIII, Issue 252, 24 October 1919, Page 5
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THOMAS HORTON. Marlborough Express, Volume LIII, Issue 252, 24 October 1919, Page 5
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