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The termination of several weeks of municipal activity was brought about yesterday by the local elections for the Mayoralty, Borough Council, and Borough representatives on the Wairau Hospital Board. Throughout the day motor-cars and other vehicles plied to, various parts of the Borough and brought electors to either of the polling-booths—the Court-house and the Literary Institute building. Despite a large public attraction in the race meeting at Riverlands/' the town presented an animated appearance throughout the dlay, and the keenness of the contest for the Mayoralty resulted in an j exceptionally heavy polling for the' Council and Hospital Board representatives. The recent revision of j the municipal electoral roll had left j 2281 residents with the right of exorcising the franchise, and the energy" displayed is evidenced by the fa«t that 1663 voters took opportunity of their privilege on the jVlayoral issue. This "reflects that ratepayers. are more alive to their civic responsibilities than in the past, whilst it must also be remembered that the importance of several questions to be dealt with by the newlyelected municipal Administrators resulted in a quickening of interest. A fairly large crowd assembled in Market Square last night to, hear the announcement of the various results. Shortly after eight o'clock, Mr D. P. Sinclair (Town Clerk) mounted the steps of the Cleghorn Rotunda-and) declared the result of the Mayoral election as follows: — ■*■, Corry, John Joseph .:. ... 791 Parker, Edward Ston©' ... 837 Informal... ... ...'..., 35 Total ... ... ... 1663 Mr Parker was therefore declared elected Mayor for the ensuing year, amidst applause from many members of the gathering. The successful candidate briefly returned thanks to those ratepayers who had voted for him, and intimated that, according to his recent advertisement, he would give a "square deal" to all, and that his actions throughout' would-"-be for the betterment of the municipality.
Mr Corry»accorded thanks to those who had favored a continimnce of his Mayoral Term, and stateu that, although he regretted his defeat, he accepted it in a sportsmanlike manner and would bow to the will of the majority. Whilst occupying the position, of Chief Magistrate of the town, he had done his best for the community; but now that the fate^ were against him he would do his best to .help Mr Parker during his term of office.
After about an hour's wait, the outcome of the electors' choice or Borough representatives on the Hospital Board was read out as follows: —
Beirne. Jamas Patrick ... 634 Carr, William 915 Corry, John Joseph ... . 864 Eccles, Edmund Henry ... 687 Meehan, Patrick 478 White, Leonard Ai-thuV ... 446 Informal 156 , The referendum ■ was taken foif three members, and Messrs Carr; Corry, and Eccles were duly declared elected. The candidates.,;, returned thanks to the electors. " '■* ■•' ['■'- The results of the Council election were not announced until , jabout 10.10. The crowd -was amused the while by people ■ w'no had pretensions (more or less) to oratorical .ability, and the proceedings generally were interesting. The polling in connection with the Council election: was announced as follows: — ■•'•■'! j
Birch. Frederick... ... ... 1089 Carr, William ... ....:. 1090 Oook'e, Bernard James ... 960 Curry, Andrew' ... ... ••• 788 Eccles, Edmund Henry ;.:. 953 Gaseoigne, "William Edward 696 Griffiths, Graham ..;.,:.: 991 Holdaway, James Heinry ;... 879 Morrison, Frank... ...;... 418 Patchett. George.,. ... .... 855 Pike.Willie Davies ... .... 803 Rabbitte, Edward ..."••• '415 Stone. Norman Robert' ~.. 707 Wiffen, Arthur :.. ... "... 713 Informal ... "■■ .-..; ~.'/. 80
Messrs Birch, Carr, Cooke, Curry, Eceles, Griffiths, Hqldaway, Pike, and Patchett were accordingly declared elected, Councillors for the ensuing term of two years." Mr Carr, who headed the poll in both the Borough Council and Hospital Board elections, thanked' the ratepayers for the continuance of their support, and assured them of a maintenance of his interest in municipal affairs. . „ Messrs Birch, Gooke, Griffiths, Curry, EccleSj Pike, Morrison, Pa,tchett, Rabbitts, and Stone also returned thanks to the electors.' ; It is interesting to note that Mr Carr headed the Council poll by one vote over Mr Birch, while in several other cases there was evidence of the keenness of the contest. „ Messrs Birch, Carr, Cooke, Eccles, and Griffiths were members of the previous Council, while Messrs Patchett and Pike have previously occupied seats at the Council table. new members are Messrs Holda'way and Curry. ' : r . • " .
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Marlborough Express, Volume XLVII, Issue 102, 1 May 1913, Page 5
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705THE BLENHEIM MAYORALTY. Marlborough Express, Volume XLVII, Issue 102, 1 May 1913, Page 5
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THE BLENHEIM MAYORALTY. Marlborough Express, Volume XLVII, Issue 102, 1 May 1913, Page 5
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