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I TO THE ELECTORS OF THE BOROUGH OF BLENHEIM. LADIES & GENTLEMEN,— Having been nominated for thej position of Councillor at the forthcoming election. I respectfully solicit your support. I voted for the £65,00© loan, and having paid nearly £120 Borough Rates last year, you may rest assured I will do my utmost to secure the best value possible for the money expended in the Borough, whether for water and drainage or other improve* ments. Thanking you in anticipation. Yours faithfully, E. H. ECCLES. RATEPAYERS ! nnHIS IS THE PROGRESSIVE. I- TICKET. MAYOR: E. H. Penny, Esq. COUNCIL: " Birch, F. Braddock, William Eccles, E. H. Girling, W. J. Griffiths, GrahamParker, E. S. Pike, Willie D. Smith, F. W. (draper). Wiffen, A. These gentlemen represent all parts of the Borough, all shades of oiiinion, and are all reputable business men, keenly alive for progress, and the! necessity for improved conditions in the Borough; and, if elected, may be trusted to see the water and drainage scheme carried through on business lines. BOROUGH OF BLENHEIM. ANNUAL ELECTION OF MAYOR. In the- matter of ' 'The Municipal Corporations Act, 1908," '"The Local Elections and Polls Act, 1908," . and the respective amendments thereof: \ I .HEREBY GIVE PUBLIC NOTICE that the following persons have^ been duly nominated for the office of Mayor for the Borough of Blenheim :— Carr, William. Penny, Edward Henry. White, John James Winsbury. As there is only one vacancy to be filled, I hereby give Public Notice that, a Poll will be taken as between thesaid Candidates on WEDNESDAY,, the twenty-sixth day of April, 1911. The Polling Booth will bo situated in the Courthouse, Government Buildings, Blenheim. Polling Hours from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Dated this 19th day of April, 1911. D. P. SINCLAIR, Returning Officer for the Borough o£ Blenheim. NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL, T HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that '-£■ White, John James Winsbury has withdrawn his nomination as a candidate for the Mayoralty in the? afcbve election. Dated this 21st day of April, 1911. 3>. P. SINCLAIR, Returning Officer for the Borough of Blenheim. BUTCHERY BUSINESS AT PICTON FOR SALE OR LEASE. D ALGETY ANJ> CO., LTD., favored with instructions from Messrs J. Freeth and Coy., who have disposed of their farm, offer for sale by private treaty their well-known Butchery Business at Picton, comprising:— Part Section 262, Picton, with frontage of 45ft. to the Main Street (High. Street), two-storied "brick building with shop (all tiled), marble counter, half-ton, "Hercules" Freezing Plant, cool chamber (holds 20 sheep, 2 bullocks), and all sundries for wirking the business. Average weekly output 40 sheep, 4 bullocks, 4 pigs. Upstairs of building composed of dwelling rooms', 6 living rooms in building, which cost £2500. - Insured for £1250. This is the principal Butchery Business in Picton, and does the bulk of the trade, including hotels, Sounds, and shipping, and is capable of big extension. As Mr Freeth is leaving -the district a low price will be accepted for quick sale, or alternatively a small good-will be accepted and lease at reasonable rental given for 3 or 5 years, with right of purchase. Horses, carts, harness, etc., can be taken over at valuation. The Agents have no hesitation in recommending this as a good investment. Further particulars from DALGETY AND COY., LTD., Blenheim, Picton, or Branches.
WAIRAU HARBOR BOARD DISTRICT. T" tJ 1 1Sn?S tter of "The Harbors Act, 1908" and "The Local Election^ and Polls Act, 1908," and their respective amendments: A VACANCY having been created li J th« resignation of Charles Alexander Eckford as- a member of the Wairau Harbor Board, representing tho Players of Harbor Dues, I hereby declare that there is an extraordinary vacancy, and that an election of One h1f hV'J° fil* such vacany will ba hold at the office of Jno. White, Esq., +M 9?J r*, et ' B] e*lheim > on FRIDAY the 12th day of May 1911. Nominations of persons for election oy all those who have paid £3 and upwards for Harbor Dues for t*a twelve months ending 3Lsfc December, 1 JlO^.will be received by the under^ nTv ?i ot 61' J han Noon of SATURDAY the 6th day of May, 1911, at the office of Jno. White, Esq., LW Street, Blenheiln, wheS nomination papers can be obtanied. A. J. MACLAINE, t>, , . . Returning Officer B^nhenn^Sls^pH^i^n. STRAYED. STRAYED on my property.—One Crossbred Ewe, branded AWGT O"wr n lMl! b ' lOl^ *4 brandld A. WATSON, Opawa Street.
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Marlborough Express, Volume XLV, Issue 93, 21 April 1911, Page 5
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732Page 5 Advertisements Column 7 Marlborough Express, Volume XLV, Issue 93, 21 April 1911, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 7 Marlborough Express, Volume XLV, Issue 93, 21 April 1911, Page 5
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