+ ELIJAH BYTHELL. It is with sinoere regret that we ohroniole th 9 death. of Mr E. Bjthell, whioh oooarred at his reaidenoa m Maxwell Road last night, at a few minutes after 10 o'clock. Mr Bythell had been intimately connected with looal surroundings for a number of yean, and, though the end was not altogether an* expected, the departure of one so widely .known and respected throughout the dii* triot will be regarded as a matter of general and deep oonoern. The deceased gentleman had been m bad health for come two years, aneurism, the primary oause of suffering,, being followed by a complication of diseases. A trip to the Hot Fprings of the North Island was taken a few months ago m the hope of restoration, bat, it will be remembered, our worthy fellow oitia-m ret turned with unimproved health and with but a poor prospect of goal recovery ; and latterly an almost continuous oanfinemmnt to the house was necessitated. Deceased had attained the age of 63 years ; he oame from near Manchester, England and ho arrived m Blenheim at the beginning of 1864, accompanied by Mr James Tait. These two oims to Blenheim with the intention of baying oat the bakery business carried on at the time by Mr G. Tail, m premises on the site now oosupied by the rear of tbACritriop Hotel Prior Jo tbjs, it may bs said, Mr Bythell hid worked for some time on the Victorian goldfle d>. The purchase of the bakery business was effected, and a kind ot partnership oarrisd ob for a short period. Mr Bythell worked for some yesrs at his trade as a oirpenter and joiner, for Mr Caleb D&vies, and then set up his own establishment, which he has kept going ever sino», enlarging his opera* tions from time to time. In municipal matters the deceased always took a promt* nent part. He was a member of the Borough Council for some years immediately after the institution of the Borough m 1869, and m the "eighties " he oooupied a similar position. For the years 1892 9S he filled the Mayoral ofßw. He was also a member of the Lower Wairan River Board for some years. Mr Bythell also played an important part m the history of the loos! Fire Brigade, and with that body his name must ever be honorably aseooiated. He was an energetio memb3r of the Brigade foi some time, and finally occupied the osp«. taiooy a few years ago, prior to Mr MeArtney's tenure of offioe; while he held |be Soaition of Fire Inspector at tho time of his eatb. In volunteer matters also Mr Bythell took a creditable interest, being a member of the looal corps m the early times, and an ex-Ranger of the Maryborough district. He belonged $o th« tyisqnie fraternity, being a member of the Marl* borough Lodge of Unanimity. Daring bjs. thirty years' residence m tb,e place Mr Bythell has, beep universally regarded as an honorable man and a useful oltiun, and bis demiae will concern a very large ciro'e of fri nit. He was kind hearted and benevolent to a great degree; many aota are told of him m whiob his readiness to relieve the distressed and give a helping hand to bis fellow creatures speak volumes for his good qualities; and tha faot that this charity was unostentatious is still another tribute to his memory. The deceased gentleman leaves a widow and four young children, and we are sure that to our individual sympathy for them will be joined that of the general community, The funeral takes plioa to morrow. A Wohd to The WisH.-Th* Marlboioagh Bwbe'b has by far the largest circulation of any paper m the Marlborough Provincial Distriot, finding its w*y into almost every house m the Wairau, and circulates largely m all the surrounding country. This being so, the paper should commend itself to advertisers as the one most likely to meet their requirements. The talue of an adver* tiaement depends upon the circle ot readers it readies, a faot which should be Uken into aooount by business men. The advertii ing rates are very moderate, and specially low prioea are ohnrgod for standing aVefi
Marlborough Express, Volume XXX, Issue 249, 24 October 1894, Page 2
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