The Sanitary Inspeotor at Auckland seized a quantity of dried tish on the premises of a Chinaman. The fish which had not been disembowelled, was m an abominable condition. The mode adopted was to cut a hole m the throat of the lish, pour m the brine, and then leave it to dry. Mr Eden George, ex-Mayor of Christchurch, m vacating the chair made a decidedly personal remark. He was going to ! Australia, and he hoped Councillors would forget what had passed, and forget him also, as be would forget them. A native constable m the North ventured into the giddy whirl of an up-oonntry town, and got " gloriously " drunk. He was arrested, fined £1, and told " not to do it again." The Hon Edward Stanhope, who was Secretary for Statd m the Salisbury administration, is dead. Some Greytown larrikins painted a prize sheep a brilliant red a few nights ago Mr John Tinline is returning to New Zealand by the Orimiz, but means to break the journey at Adelaide for a fortnight. By the floods m Hawke's Bay Mr Me 'iardy lose 3 about £1200 m orops, Mr Ormond £1000, and Captain Russell about a similar sum. Cool-headed Citizen : ' What are you running for? The dog is going m the opposite direction.' Fleeing Citizen (bareheaded and frantic) : ' A policeman is shooting at It I" A Iptiter signed " A Lover of Cbrist." with £1 enclosed, has been received by the South Australian Railway Commissioners. The letter states that nine years ago tha writer defrauded the Railway Department of Bs, and as his conscience was troubling him he took this means of recompensing the State for his action. The " American salesman " has been tripped up at last. He got thirty days' imprisonment at Gisborne m default of paying a fine of £10 and oosts for posting placards intending to lead the public to believe he was an auctioneer. My youth has flown, remarked the girl after witnessing the fence jumping contest between the young man and her pa's bulldog. A sheep dog, accidentally left behind by its master m the public room at the Rangiora post oflice, tha other day, jumped on to the desk, and then took a flying leap through the upper pane of one of the windows, landing on the footpath about ten feet below, little or none the worse for its dash for liberty. She (sternly) : What was that noise I heard m the hall early this morning when you came m ? He (hastily) ; It must have been the day breaking, darling. Severe storms have been experienced m the Bay of Biscay. A plot has bean discovered m Kansas to kidnap President Cleveland's daughter, and to enforce a ransom. Two females, for disturbing the inmates of the Salvation Army Rescue Home at Auckland were fined £4 each. They preferred two months' imprisonment. Dribler, the public executioner, withes to resign, owing to the threats of anarchists. In the Domain tunnel on the Auckland railway a woman was recently robbed of her purse. Untying the bonds of those whom God hath joined together m matrimony is pro* ceeding merrily m New South Wales. Mr Justice Windeyer divorced 13 couples m one sitting the other day. Sir George Grey, K.C.B.— A magnificent portrait from the most reoent photograph, suitable for framing, may be had from McKee A Gamble, N.Z.jPress Agency Wellington. Price 2s Id,^including) postage. Agents wanted,— Adyi 1 .
Marlborough Express, Volume XXIX, Issue 311, 27 December 1893, Page 2
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