A special meeting of the Council was held at noon to-day ; present His Worship the Mayor, Crs Smile, Bythell, Green, Patchett, Sinclair, McArtney, Tunnicliffe. lie result of the/ election having been made khowD, His Worßbip' said his term '*■'• : of office had been uneventful. He thought : a higher rate would have to be levied, if they were to have proper conveniences and .appliances. It wbb well to promise no raising of rates when one was a candidate (laughter) but when one interviewed the 'banker one found out bow necessary it was. The ; Co-operative drain was the only item m which there had beeri any difficulty. He, was of opinion that the Council were justified m contesting the matter m Court, and no matter how the . case Redwood yi the' Council had originated he would still hold that. He hoped some final arrangement would soon be come to. In regard' to the officers, he thought they were very well served. The To\yn Clerk did a tremendous lot of work for very littlevpay, and he would like to advocate- the Maing of his salary (applause). The same applied peculiarly to the Inspector. of~Works, who held theppst : of Gras 1 Manager. If they searched New Zealand they could not find a more efficientf experienced and faithful ; servant. • ' He thanked the Council for their courtesy to him all through the term of his office. The only business now was to install the /incoming Mayor. ' (Jr Hpuldsworth rose and made, the \ statutory declaration on taking office as ■ ' follows:—V .l, George Houldsworth, do declare' that'l will faithfully and impartially,, and according to the best of my ' lt ßkiU ;T 4nd 'judgment, execute the powers ' ' '• • Vested' 'm me; as Mayor of Blenheim, m 'virtue' of the Act." ' :; "'' ... j. ; <- His' Worship,' in retiring, said he would - ■■ : life to iei^tess his and 1 ike : Couaoil'B ao,vkaowledgmemS ol the and fair- -• ness.ol- the -press m ;its< reports and treat- ,'.: meat pi 'the - Council Uapplause). They h ad.'been' been ) always itreated. m ft fair a^d, .', unbiased manner, (renewed applause). He 1 now . ask; Mr Houldswprth, to take ; ;' the ahair,!". The : exchange , was' effected, arid his Worship' the. new Mayor reviewed "the 1 position; and urged the ; need, for • 'economy. ' He.'hoped : the meetings would m future be as' harmonioos as, m the, past. • Cr McArtney congratulated the new : Mayor, and expressed' cordial and hopeful eenthnents. He, however, felt sorry to have lost Mr Riley, whom they all esteemed and regarded , most highly. • (Loud applause).. He would propose a vote of thanks to the retired Mayor, and """ also, •'• that this, Council stiouia wiati Mr and Mrs^ Riley a happy and prosperous ; NewjYear." ,He was sure , the , Council .wisned Mr Riley 'every prosperity m the new life "he" had taken up. His " record had been a most gratifying one, and the town-had progressed very' much during histennl ■'■■-'■ ' : ' . . ■, ;. Cr Sinclair seconded the mptiorl,>and very handsomely eulogised the services oi ... the retiring Mayor. Cr Bythell- cordially Bupportßd the . motion, •■:.-,■>;>■ : ) . 1... . Mr Riley heartily thanked the Council, and said he could: only claim to have "done his best." (Applause.) #; . His Worship m putting the motion, . fully and warmly endorsed all that had been said", regretting that sflmq more substantial thing could not be offered^ The motion was . carried amid loud applause. : . r £he appointment of Committees, was adjoumeiTtiil next meeting. / : . ' The; Council then rose. .
Marlborough Express, Volume XXV, Issue 287, 18 December 1889, Page 3
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