TO-NIGHT ! .; ' BLENHEIM UOBTJOULTUIiAL SOCIETY SECOND T7XHIBITION Hi i OF i FLOWERS, FRUITS, & VEGETABLES WILL BE HELD IN EW ART'S HALL. | Selections of Mueic will b played dur-^ ing the evening. Strawberries and Cream, and other refreshments obtained at rear of stage. The Secretary will be m attendance on night of Show for the convenience of Members wishing to pay their subscriptions. Doors open to the public from 2.30 to 5.30 p.m., and from 7 till 10 p.m. Admission ; Non-members, 1/- ; Children half price. W. GILLESPIE, 1907 Secretary. 1 1 T7l UREKA ! Found at last ; a shop PJ that will suit my taste and my pocket to aT !" " Ah ! do tell." " They call it The People's Drapery Emporium, and it iB kept by JOHN HEIHOE & CO., who will sell you Dress Materials, Prints, Muslins, and Zephyrs, at prices which suit any modest income. But you should see their millineky, its just beautiful, and so cheap !" " My ! well I'm bound for Heyhoe's first day I go to town." THE MAHAKIPAWA ALLUVIAL GOLD MINING COMPANY, Limited. nnHE Allotment Call of 2s 6cl per Jl Share, on shares held m the above Company is now due and payable at the Office of the Company. Cullensville, on or before the 11th December next, 1889. A GENEEAITmEETTNG of the Shareholders of the above Company will be held at Daniels' Mahakipawa Hotel, on 12th December, at 2 p.m Business : To Elect Directors and Manager. And General Proxies should be sent if Shareholders cannot attend W. GEORGE, 1926 Secretary. BOROUGH OP BLENHEIM. ELECTION OF MAYOR. In pursuance of the provisions of the Eegulations of Local Elections Act, 1876. IHEEEBY give notice that at a Poll taken -by me THIS DAY for the Election of Mayor of Blenheim, the number of votes received by the Candidates, were : ELIJAH BYTHELL .. ..92 GEORGE HOULDSWORTH .. 93 Informal > . . . . . 1 I therefore declare that George Houldsworth is duly elected Mayor of Blenheim for the ensuing year. Dated the 27th day of November? 1889 Wm. NOSWORTHY, Eeturning Officer. 1 1 "TXTHAT'S that ? Don't advertise ! VV Why not? Are you afraid psople "svill come to your shop and disturb your peaceful slumbers amid dusty shelves, mouldy goods, and empty pockets? Don't ; you might just as well tell us not to eat. We eat, you know (or perhaps you don't) to live ; so, on the same line, we advertise m order to sell. So, you see, JOHN HEYHOE & CO. want it well and widely known that they have a superior stock of General Drapery, Clothing, &c, which must be sold ; therefore the prices and values are such as commend them to all. BOROUGH OF BLENHEIM. ELECTION OF COUNCILLOR. EAST WARD.— EXTRAORDINARY VACANCY. In pursuance of the Provisions of The Municipal Corporations Act, 1886, The Regulation of Local Elections, 1876, and its Amendment, 188.8. THEREBY give notice that an election of One Member for the East Ward of the Borough of Blenheim to supply the office vacated by George Houldsworth, Esq., will take place on Thursday, , the 19th day of December, 1889, and I hereby appoint Friday, the 6th day of December, 1889, to be the time, and the Town Clerk's Office, Government Buildiugs, Market Place, to be the place for the nomination of candidates. Nominations m the form of the second Schedule of The Regulation of Local Elections Act, 1876, must be addressed and delivered to me at the above mentioned place at or before noon of the day aforementioned. Blenheim, Nov. 28th, 1889. Wm. NOSWOETHY. 1928 Returning Officer. SOUTHERN CROSS GOLD MINING COMPANY, Ld. ALL shares forfeited for nonpayment of First Call of One Penny per share will be sold by i Auction at the Company's Office, Leeds Quay, Blenheim, on Monday, the 2nd day of December, 1889, at * 12 o'clock noon. JOHN HUTCHISON. ; Manager. . T ADIES' White Garibaldi Jackets, 2s I J{ 6d and 3s;' marvels of cheapness. White Stays, cheapest line m town, only Is 6d. JOHN HEYHOE & CO. The best value to be had m Men's and Boys' Clothing at Smalb & Hay's, London House.. i Thk best value to be had m Household and General Drapery at Smale & Hay's, London House. Deaf Forty Years.— The description of a simple remedy, bywhioh a complete cure of deafness and noises m the head of 40 years' standing has just been effected, will be sent free to any one who applies to J. 11. Nicholson, 175 William street, Melbourne. 1718
Page 2 Advertisements Column 4
Marlborough Express, Volume XXV, Issue 270, 28 November 1889, Page 2
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