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Mommy, Jam. ti. befog pnmt, Umm. OOtf*«r,lwi»dl, B. B. Bitbop, C. W. Bkhop, Farr, Balky, Lane, Barnard, aad to«k. Tbt nbivtc* of lie f#w»r m«titeir w«r» m 4 aad coofinndl. The weokiy pay aaaoontlng to ciiout £at. waaonWtd w«ro alio aomc amaUac. comm. The cttn of £» «• waa ordertd to b« paM for waUring tb# •trad* for th« pan weak. Mr. C. W. Bkhop <S*»w tho attention of the Council to the tasy and birfkknt manner in which Um work of watering the rtmu wa* done. The own employed drawlad along tha itirti in the meat idkntySe. fl« tboogfcl Ibal Um ooatractota ought to do a fair day'* work for a fair day's pay. The Chairman thought that the delay aroaefrcmt Umi defective eanatraetkm of tlw et«t«; tile jet* were tooiffiaii Ultimataly is waa rtaolved tßat the attentkm of th# City ftarvtyov ahotdd b« drawn to the *übjedt. The Surveyor'* Beport wac wad aad oooaidered, ae waa that of tfaa Uupeetot of Nuiiancea. Tlw Town Clerk reported the retaript of wveral iutni, whkh be had lodged at tlw hank.

Mam M«f# Ihe Council t« tIM can*id*rafla« of the wdfattkm of Jbe propoted •cheme of drainage. The *peeiflcatkn» and mrfoedulea attached w«te read. Hie DmIMW Report having twen adopferf on * previoo* the Ihwhmbm before the Council wu to decide whether laattet for carrying the project lato Acta*! «x«a>!km »hooW be infill Mr. C. W. Bishop Ihoughs thai, before undertaking a work of s«ch magnitude, we ought faliy to uodevetand how the fond* *tood. About IMOO would Im required to carry out the work dadoed upon daring the next twelve month*. lie wm tntij fr* pared to *upport «ipcdai M rate. A rate of M. in the It would defray tit* coat of tfe# work, aad be wa* itttt that that mm we# a* mod) m the inhabitant* amid rapport at the present time. Mr. K. B Bishop *«pported the same rterw of the matter. To borrow mooey would he 4 very ruinoo* plan; a rate tocb m that proposed ».>»ld be the more economical method. The Sarveyor wa» called in, »nd gzre tome information on the nature of the drain-pipe* ; the egg*haped pipe* had been abandoned, and th* *4npti«n of cirrtiUr onea determined upon. The ftrtt portion of the work recommended to he miderSaken wa* is* chain*, at a co*t of shout £3000. Mr. C, VV. BUhop proposed—" That a rafc of 6d. in the XI should be levied; in order thai the *y*tem of main drainage should be carried oat atcording to the recommendation of tbe Committee «>n drainage." Mr. K. B. Bwhop »«coo4eJ the motion. The Chairman explained that the Onracil had power to burrow money by pledging the raEei of the city, provided that they did not exceed d*e yea*V revenue. They roast not owe .it one time more than the income of S*e yean; this »,-» done in order to prevent an accumulation of debt. If Jurir.£ the course of fire years they had paid o$ a portion of the debt, they could pledge the rate* for tib* near: fire year*, and so on. The Surveyor warned the Council of the expense and annoyance caoted by the adoption of a system of pipe-drainage, through breaking' ap she footpath*. Ac. A great outcry had been raised about the laying of ga*-pipet; the proposed project of drainage would cau*e infinitely greater trouble and exjxsse. Befure the Council adopted the achema, they had better wait until the Provincial Council met, and then obtain larger power* to compel the inhabitant* to drain the: hack* of their house* as well a* the front*. One main drain through every third rtftti would he sufficient, and pasy of the minor dram* would be done away with. In aimott every block there were accommodation road*; the*e might be taken advantage of, and the necessity of pa*»insj the main drain thru ugh tha premises of aay one person would be obviated. Mr. Luck wanted to know, in the event of ooe large building being placed actum tbese accommodation roads, bow the ccmpeoaation to owner* of property was to be regulated ? The compeniatian would prove a very heavy item at some future tune. Tbe Chairman remarked that the compenaatiaa would be settled at once, and not left for any furor* period.

Iq answer to the Chairman, the Surveyor remarked, that taking the average of the piping far each house at 60 feet, the cost of laying the pipe* 80 as to communicate with the proposed maiadiau would be about £10 for each home. He thought thai tke expeote of the main drainage would he the same as proposed in the report, because so many minor details would be avoided. After «oroe dbea»k>u, Mr. Barnard moved, as an amendment, thai the consideration of the subject shonid be deferred until the City Purveyor could make an ntioate d the relative cost of the »ystem now proposed by him, and the one recommended iu the report. Such estimate to be presented on Mouday next. Mr. Burnell seconded the raotkui. Mr. C. W. Bishop must protest against waiting for any further reports. He thought that the Council had already ample and be euuM not ace the utility of going to the Provincial Coonetl for morn arbitrary one*. IC these power* were obtained, then wyuld come the question of cocnpensa lion. Mr. Luck thought that the proposed sixpenny-rate would be utterly iosuSlcient for the intended purpose. He eutered into souie dvtaih to prove the oorreetiieM of this assertion. The rate would only be sufficient to lay down t he ma i is drain—the cost of carry - in# the drainage from the houses into thb main-dram should be borne by the citixeua, ami their doing th«s work ought to be made compulsory. The Chairman should support the proposition if Mr, Barnard. He thought that more information was required on the subject. It the minds of the Count-;! were not clear on the subject, it would be better t» wait until the City Surveyor had prepared a di«iuot estimate «t» to the relative cost of the two sysu'in*. He (the Chairman) thought that there was no «kvusion to go to the Provincial Councit for further powers; those possessed by the Council under th» Ordinance were autple for all the purpose* require!. Mr. Barnard's amendment was put and carried. A letter was read from the Secretary of the Fire Brigade, announcing that the *tctun 6 re-engine liad arrived, and liad been fitted up, and asking that the City Surveyor should report upon a place whereupon to erect an engine-house, Mr. Bailey propped, that the matter should be referml to the City Surveyor, with instructions to adopt that portion of the old Immigration Barrack« already agreed upon for that purpose. The notion having been wcon led, was carried. A letter wr<s read from Mr. Grterson, asking permiasion to make a drain at his own expense, but under the superintendence of the City Surveyor, in aider to carry off the surface water from hit premises. The matter was referred to the <3$ Sarvqrer, with instructions that the drain should ha made, as Mr. Grierson's expense, if no obstacle pnmud itaelf. Another application item th» n®t gentle®* o ,

,n " iMtan wcU - " M deferred *° r the P rcsent * tir Ayers twvinß m«lo » « rb>l "0" e! "° h "°" ifr ; bi. premises to the artesian well, that ho should be informed that bis Implication must be made in writing. Tt was resolved that the attention of the railway - «iinuld be drawn to the state of the authorities Town Belt, deepened by them IXn't pe'"""*"- » 1 " 1 t " ey ' hO °H 1,0 !"T r "t °J<ha. it will be necessary for them to place a culvert under the Town Beit. The Surveyor's report stated that the boring of artesian well was going 00 satisfactorily; a depth of 47 feet had been reached, After a long discussion, it was resolved that an dement should be inserted in the local journals w »n assessor to revise and assess the Ratepayers' 8011, in conjunction with Mr. AUsopp, the rate collector. A letter from Mr. J. Ollivier was read, announcing hi* resignation as chairman of the Council. The Council adjourned at *0.30 p.m.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume XXIII, Issue 1350, 24 January 1865, Page 4

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CHRISTCHURCH CITY COUNCIL. Lyttelton Times, Volume XXIII, Issue 1350, 24 January 1865, Page 4

CHRISTCHURCH CITY COUNCIL. Lyttelton Times, Volume XXIII, Issue 1350, 24 January 1865, Page 4