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XiTew AdLvertlaemeiita. FOR SALE. A RUN of 24,000 ACRES of good Sheep country, with improvements and stock. Apply to GOULD & MILES. Christchurch, Nov. 7, 1864. 1096 ' RUN FOR SALE. MR. H. H. ERSKINE, having decided upon remaining in England on account of ill-health, has authorized the undersigned by power of attorney to sell the whole of his station property, consisting of a run of about 26,000 acres, well stocked with sheep, cattle, horses, &c., with excellent stone buildings. Particulars of the stock will be given in future advertisements. Apply to Mr. WYNN WILLIAMS, Solicitor. P.S. After the full particulars have been advertised, application may also be made to Messrs. LUCK & CLARK, 1429 g Gloucester street, Christchurch. THE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP, Oxford Street, LYTTELTON. r> BILLENS desires to inform his customers and XV • the public that, in order to meet the increasing demand for his CUT-UP TOBACCO, he has imported a NEW PATENT STEAM CUTTING MACHINE, and will on and after this day be able to supply any demand made by the smokers of Canterbury at a trifle over the usual charge made for tobacco not cut up. To the trade he offers great advantages; he can supply every article in the trade, of the best quality, and cut up their own tobacco at a small charge per pound. CIGARS of the best brands; and PIPES of every description and price. 1444 DUNSTABLE HOUSE, LEITII FIELD. C. & A. HAWLEY, MILLINERS, DRESSMAKERS, AND DRAPERS, BEG most respectfully to announce to the Ladies and Inhabitants of Leithfield and the surrounding districts, that they have commenced in the above Business, and hope by strict attention to merit the favour of all who will honour them with their patronage. Country orders strictly attended to. 1434
WILL SHORTLY BE PUBLISHED. FJIHE SOUTHERN PROVINCES ALMANAC. ADVERTISEMENTS should be forwarded AT ONCE, To the Times Office, 1246 Christchurch. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. THE NEW STONE BUILDING in Manchester street being ready for occupation, the OPENING SERVICES will (D.V.) be held in it in the following order:— WEDNESDAY, Nov. 23, 1864, at 7.30 p.m., a United Prayer Meeting, to which ministers and members of all Evangelical Churches are cordially invited. FRIDAY, Nov. 25, 7.30 p.m., a Prayer Meeting of the Church and Congregation for whose use the building is designed.
SUNDAY, Nov. 27, Divine Service, conducted in the morning at 10.30 a.m., by the Rev. C. FRASER, M.A., (Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand. In the afternoon (specially for the children) at 2.30, by the Rev. W. J. HABEN S, B.A.(the Minister of the Church); and in the evening, at 6, by the Rev. J. BULLER, (President of the Australasian Wesleyan Methodist Conference). At'each of the Sunday Services a Collection will be made for the building fund. On TUESDAY, Nov. 29, at 6 p.m., a TEA MEETING, at which several ministers and other gentlemen will deliver addresses. Tickets, 2s each, to be obtained of Mr. J. 6. Baker, stationer, Casliel street; T. R. Fisher and Co., and Jameson and Hicks, Colombo street. 1410 NEW ZEALAND EXHIBITION, 1865. ALL GOODS intended for the New Zealand Exhibition must be sent into the rooms adjoining the old Town Hall, before the Ist Dec. prox. No goods will be received after that date. By order of the Local Committee. • R. L. HOLMES, 1433 , Secretary. j) 0 YAL PRINCESS' THEATRE Sole Lessee J. L. Hall. Stage Manager R. H. Cox. GRAND JUVENILE NIGHT. Under the Patronage of the Ladies of Canterbury. Children Half-price to all parts of the house. THIS EVENING, TUESDAY, NOV. 22nd, The performance will commence (for positively the last time,) with the Grand Fairy Extravaganza, the FAIR ONE WITH THE GOLDEN LOCKS. Highland Fling Little Laura. ,To conclude with the domestic drama, in two acts, entitled Jessie Vere ; or, s THE RETURN OF THE WANDERER. To-Morrow, Shakespeare's great Tragedy of HAMLET. Under the patronage of his Honor the Superintendent. 1428 E W TOWN HA. LL~ TO-NIGHT, TUESDAY. A GREAT HI T. Thatcher's new medley "Recent Departures" and "The Unemployed." Two new locals to-niglit. Small, as The New Zealand Cure. Admission 2s. 1445 EAUTIFUL CLEAN LINEN—W. G. NIXEY'S crystallised EXTItACT of FULLEIt'S EARTH, is the cheapest and best article for washing and beautifying linen, woollen, lace, lawn, muslin, &c.; possesses unequalled efficacy in removing grease, stains, and the smoke-liko colour of linen produced from bad washing, tlio excessive use of soda, lime, and other preparations of caustic alkali. " The Extract of Fuller's Earth is the quickest and most effective article over introduced, incapablo of injury to tho hands or the finest fabric and requires only to bo tried to bo apprec : atod."—Times, 27th August, 1854. May be-obtaincd through any respectable Tradesman. Sample packets, with fuli directions for uso, price Id aud 6d. —12 Soho Square, London. 1431 /CLEANLINESS!—A Stove most brilliantly polished in two minutes for less than ono farthing.—W. G. NIXEY'S celebrated registered BLACK LEAD. A now domestic discovery! Cannot be wasted; and is a preservative of furniture from the injurious effects of the common article now in uso, as it creates no dust, and requires comparatively no Inbour. Sold everywhere, in solid blocks, Id, 2d, *4rl, nnd Is. The advantages of this elegant Chemical Preparation aro great saving of timo, cleanliness of application, smullness of quantity required, and tho prevention of waste, dust, and its destructive consequences. Furthor, it, ultimately produces a pure metallio coating of a high degree of brilliancy and durability, reflecting both light and heat. (See specimens on the sides of each block.)—l2 Soho Square, London. 1438
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XXII, Issue 1321, 22 November 1864, Page 6
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924Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume XXII, Issue 1321, 22 November 1864, Page 6
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Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume XXII, Issue 1321, 22 November 1864, Page 6
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