DEATH. Quin— May 24th, the wife of Henry Bacon Quin. ABSTRACT OF SALES BY AUCTION. CHEISTCHUKCH.—THIS DAY. Messrs. AXEMAN & WILSON—At. thoir Offices, at 1 o'clock, Properties on North Boad. CHBISTCHUECH. —TO-JIOEEOW. Mr. H. E. ALPORT—At his Auction Booms, Market Place, at 12 o'clock, Haberdashery, Millinery, Hosiery, Earthenware, Cutlery, Groceries, Oilmen's Stores, &c. LYTTELTON. —THIS DAY. Mr. T. B. CRAIG—At, _£he Robin Hood Tavern, at 12 ' BA>'GIORA.—THIS DAY. . Mr. BUSS, at the Lion Hotel, at l o'clock, House, Bakers Shop, Land, &c. |lefo §lbim - tisramts. STEAM TO OTAGO. H E Powerful Screw J. S. Edwards, Commander. Will sail as above THIS DAY, At Noon. Passengers to produce tickets on going on board. For freight or passage apply to D ALGETY, BUCKLEY & CO., 3184. Lyttelton and Christehureh. OXFORD STREET, LYTTELTON. TO LET—A Very convenient SHOP, with good storage for light and heavy, goods. Immediate possession may be had. Apply to Mr. RAYNER, Times office, Lyttelton. 3058 NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT. . ~ MESSRS LANGBRIDGE & CO.havingassigned to us the debts due to them as proprietors of the. Evening Post newspaper, we beg to inform all persons indebted to that concern that we have appointed Mr. C. Fred. Beeby to receive the amounts due, and that his receipt alone may be taken as a full, satisfaction for the same. . CROSBIE WARD & WM. REEVES. Christehureh, May 17, 1864. 3062 CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH," CHRISTCHUIICH. NEW PLACE OF- WORSHIP. FIIHE following, statement is earnestly commended ; X to the attention and sympathy ot all who are interested in the property of the Church of Christ. : The services of . the-Church , and Congregation under the pastoral care of the Rev. W. J. Habens, 8.A,, have hitherto been held in Mr. Borinington's Hall. That property has' recently changed hands; and the term/during which, by the- kindness of the new owner, the use of it is continued to : the Church, will expire with the month*of July. It appears impossible to hire another suitable room. The Church is therefore under, the necessity of building for itself. . . . • It is intended to. ercct a place of worship on a portion of an eligible site which has been secured at the junction of Worcester and Manchester [streets. Accommodation js- to be provided, for upwards of 400 persons. If, after a time, this shall prove insufficient. the building now . proposed can be appropriated to the Sabbath-school, and a larger place erected on the remainder of the land. The estimated cost of the building in stono or brick is £1,160, This demand upon the resources of the Church is at once so unexpected and so imperative that an appeal for help is very confidently made tQ all who desire to promote the knowledge of Divine Truth. The gentlemen whose names follow have kindly undertaken to receive subscriptions. MR. FARR, "Lichfield street. MR. GEE, Colombo street. MR. JAMESON, Hereford street. MR. LEWIS, Cookham House. May, 1864. . 3181 TO STOREKEEPERS AND OTHERS. ' To arrive per Countess of Seafleld. TAA TmS flrst quality YARMOUTH lUU BLOATERS, each tin hermetically sealed, and containing 25 to 28 fish, warranted gopd for 12 month's. The above were cured and packed last December, by Messrs. Barnby & Co., Yarmouth, who have maintained the highest reputation as .flsh'eurers for upwards of 60 years. Wholesale agent for Canterbury, ' ' WM. NISEVE, • Colombo street, 3182 , Christehureh.
Page 4 Advertisements Column 1
Lyttelton Times, Volume XXI, Issue 1241, 26 May 1864, Page 4
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