Local Intelligence.
On monday evening, the 6th inst., a meeting of the inhabitants of the Avon and Heathcotc district, was held at the White Hurt Inn, at Christchureh, to take into consideration the Government proposition for widening the Ferry road, and forming a main drain along it, at one side. The chair was taken by Mr. Kenythe way-warden, who explained that the Government proposed to grant the snin of £100 in aid of the works, subject to a similar sum being subscribed by the district. The meeting was addressed by Messrs. Hicliens, Brittan, Parish, &c. Some .difference of opinion prevailed as to the best place for the. proposed drain. Mr. Dobsori, the Provincial Engineer entered at some length into the merits of the proposition; A resolution was submitted that the drain should be carried down the north side of the road ; this met with, considerable opposition, but was finally carried; and a subscription list was opened for the purpose of raising contributions towards the proposed work. . • Election.-—On Monday last, at noon,a meeting of electors was held at the Government Offices, Christchurch, for the nomination of candidates for the vacant seat in the Provincial Council, for the town of Christchurch, and in the House of Representatives, for the Country District. The election for the Council was first proceeded with. After reading of the writ by the Returning Officer, Mr. Blalriston proposed and Mr. Bishop seconded the nomination of Charles Berjew Fooks, Esq., who was thereupon declared duly elected, without opposition. This part of the proceedings was concluded by a brief address by Mr. Fooks to jfche electors present. The Returning Officer then read the writ for the election of a member for the House of Representatives for the Christchurch Country District, in the room of Dingley Askham Brittin, Esq., resigned. I. T. Cooksoh, Esq., in a few words, proposed Crosbie Ward, Esq., as a fit and proper person &c. '■ This nomination was seconded, by C. R. Blakiston, Esq., who created considerable amusement by addressing himself to where the electors ought to be. John Ollivier, Esq., was then proposed by J. T. Parkinson, Esq., and seconded by Thomas Wilkinson, Esq., at somewhat greater length. There being no other candidate proposed, Mr. Ward addressed the meeting shortly, dwelling chiefly upon the misrepresentation of his views as to the Superintendency question. Mr. OHivier followed, also confining himself principally to this topic. A show of hands being called for, it resulted in favour of Mr. Ollivier. Mr. Ward demanded a poll; and, thanks being given to the Returning Officer C. C. Bowen, Esq., proposed and seconded by the two candidates, the meeting quietly separated. The attendance at the commencement of the proceedings was very-scanty, owing probably to the place of meeting not being the usual one; and though a few more electors made their appearance towards the close, perhaps not more than thirty were present altogether. The speeches on all sides were short and the proceedings altogether occupied an unusually short space of time.
The polling took place yesterday at Christchurch, Lyttelton, and Kaiapoi. Not much excitement was apparent, about one-half of the electors voting in all. The Returning Officer declared the final state of the poll at six o'clock, which was as follows :— . Ch.Ch. Kaiapoi. Lyttelton. J. Ollivier . . 141 27 23 C. Ward .'. 28 47 45 Total. OlKviev, 191; Ward, 120.
Local Intelligence.
Lyttelton Times, Volume VI, Issue 412, 15 October 1856, Page 7
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