1 UNRESERVED SALE BY AUCTION. I TV/TESSRS. F. NOBLE CAMPBELLS CO. m JAJ_ will Sell by Public Auction, without reW serve, on Friday next, 7ih Dec, at their sale 1 rooms, in Lvttelton, Four Cases of MkrchanSDl*k, ex Emerald, viz. :— '■ Black stockings Pocket handkerchiefs x Stripe shirts j Coburgs 1 Window curtains 1 "SiTiginer, stockmen's, and tweed coats I Card boxes and watch stands [Tea caddys and trays Alliums Black nests boxes I Mits and gloves I Waterproof coats I | Coloured tweed I Ci'iipe (Iress I; Alpaeea coats a Scarfs I Lustres 1 Summer shawls f Pack saddles I Hobbles I Wellington and ladies boots I Children's strap shoes I Men's patent slippers ! Girl's Cashmere do. Sale at Twelve o'Clock. TKHIIS I-lllKllAL. 5 Oxford street, LyUehou, 3rd Due, 1855. ! UNRESERVED SALE BY AUCTION I Of MERCHANDISE. I Ti/TESSRS. F. N. CAMPBELL & Co. jj -J-T-L have received inst rue.ions to sell l>y public jj nucMoti, at their Sale Rooms, Oxford Street, on j Friday next. Dee. 7, to close consignments, ex !~ Wild Irish Girl and Amherst, Ribbons, White Falls, Cotton Dresses, Ball do. j Barege do. 1 Saxony Chub, W Figured Muslin. I Cotton Stockings, white and black, I .'able-cloths, •8 Alpaeea, I Men's and boy's coats, w.\istcoats, & trousers, I Cloth Caps H Gimp and Braids. 1 Cashmere Scarfs, Gloves, artificial Flowers, I s Suits of Drill, Braces, Mourning Cards, black-edge Note Paper, &C, £cc. Immediately .after which, the following Goods will he submitted, viz,, Sugar, raw and loaf, Chairs, Buckets, Tubs, Jf Clocks and other Merchandise. I Sale at 12 o'clock. Terms at Sale. § Oxford Struct, Nov. 21>, 1855. 1 UNRESERVED SAI/E OP I JURNITURE BY AUCTION. I ivriissßs- F-N°B LE cA Mpß EL L& c° a JLtjL will Sell by Public Auction, (without X reserve^ tit Captain Simeon's house in London ft Street, the remainder of Captain Simeon's 1 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &c , 1 On FRIDAY, the I4lh December next. j§ Catalogues may now be bad at the ollice of 8 the auctioneers. H "Sale to commence at 11. Terms,see Catalogue. m Oxford Street, Lyttulton, Dec. 1. n ' ' ' 1 Land for Sals or Lease. It »I^HH Undersigned ha\e several Plots of H LAN D, situate in Lytteliou and Chrisijjl church, both for Sale or Lease. It F. Nobi.k ('AJtrntrx, and, Co. S oxford street, Lyttulton, 3rd Dec, 1865.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 1
Lyttelton Times, Volume V, Issue 323, 5 December 1855, Page 1
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