We extract the following Notices from a Provincial Government Gazette published this day: — Provincial Secretary's Office, Christchureh, 13th October, 1854. HIS HONOR THE SUPERINTENDENT directs it to be notified for general information, that the undermentioned gentlemen have this day resigned their seats in the Executive Council. Henry John Tancred, Esq., President Hejtry Godfrey Gothland, Esq. Charles Simeon, Esq. William John Warburton Hamilton, Esq. By His Honor's command, H. G. Gottland, Provincial Secretary. Provincial Secretary's Office, Christchureh, 23rd October, 1854. TTIS HONOR THE SUPERINTEND- -"- ENT, is pleased to appoint John Hall, Esq. to be President, Henry Godfrey Gottland, Esq. Samuel Bealey, Esq. Henry Barnes Gresson, Esq. to be members of the Executive Council. Henry Barnes Gresson, Esq. to be Provincial Solicitor, By His Honor's command, H. G. Gothland, Provincial Secretary. Mr. E. D." Ptjckle has been appointed Clerk to the Executive Council. On: Sale, at the "Times" Office, es "Mountain Maid." TK7AVERLEY Novels. ' » Several volumes of Routtjbdge's and The Railway Library, and other popular Works. Bussell's Popular Songs and other Musical Works Children's Illustrated Books Writing paper and Envelopes in great variety Illustrated and Mourning do. Ladies' Companions Fancy and Pictorial Papeteries Card Cases Ciphering" & Copy Books Bronze and other Inkstands Backgammon Boards Coloured Note paper, &c. &c. A PARTMENTS, with attendance, re- ■£*• quired by a gentleman making some short stay in Lyttelton. Apply J. S. H., at the office of this paper. HOTIGE. W PRATT begs respectfully to in- • form the public that he has completed arrangements with Messrs. Gee and Go, for the transfer of his business and premises to them, and returns his best thanks for the very liberal support he lias, from the first, received at their hands. As the time for clearing his accounts is very limited, he requests that all claims upon him may be made without delay, and he takes this, the earliest opportunity of noticing to parties indebted to him the necessity of settling their respective accounts before the 30th November next, Lyttelton, Oct. 31,1851.
Page 4 Advertisements Column 1
Lyttelton Times, Volume IV, Issue 209, 1 November 1854, Page 4
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