NOTICE. THE Undersigned are about to erect a large WATER CORN MILL on the River Avon, near Riccarton, which will be ready for grinding within nine months from the present date. ' . ■ " Gibbs & Co, Chrislchnrch, June 30,1852. ' :-■■•*'■■-.,■ notice. ~ \ LL Parties are Hereby Cautioned -£*- against Cutting any Bush or Removing Wood from Brenchley Farm, Lyttelton, as they will in ali cases be prosecuted according to law. Wm.Geahasi, Overseer. N.B. Parties informing, will be rewarded on conviction of the offenders. Lyttelten, June 18, 1852. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned John Collier and Frederick Mason, of Lyttelton, Bakers and.Confectioners,' . is this day dissolved by mutual consent, and all persons indebted to the late firm are requested to pay their accounts to Mr. Mason, by whom alone the business will be in future earned on, .' and by whom all liabilities of the firm will be discharged. Dated this 18th day of June, 1852. John Collier, Frederick Mason. H. L. MooRHOUSE, ) W -\tneme* C. E. Dampier, \ Wltnessesi. .' , ■ ■■ . F. MASON, HAVING PURCHASED the whole of the business lately carried on by Mr. Collier and himself as Bakers, &c, begs roost respectfully to solicit from the inhabitants of Lyttelton and its vicinity a continuance of the support the late firm of C. and M. have hitherto received, and which he assures them it will be his constant study to merit. London Street, Lyttelton. . TO THE~*PUBLIC. J COLLIER (late of the firm of CoiiiEß • and Mason) begs to return his sincere thanks to the public who have so kindly favoured him with their support while in the said film; and also takes this opportunity to inform them, as well as the inhabitants of Lyttelton and the Plains, that he has purchased the. Baking business hitherto carried on by Mr. Pratt, so desirably situated in Canterbury Street, where he will commence business for himself on the fifth day of July next, as J^ncß 33«att airtf 13isctnt IBafor. N.B. Parties may safely rely upon all orders being strictly attended to which they may be kind enough to favour him with. '";':- John Collier. TO THE PUBLIC. HpHE Undersigned having relinquished X the Baking business in favour of Mr. John Collier, begs >o return his sincere thanks for the kind patronage hitherto bestowed upon him, and respectfully solicits the same for his successor. N.B. The Grocery business carried on as usual. William Pratt. MRS. CULLING, STRAW HAT AND BONNET MAKER, East side of the Bridle-path, fronting on Captain Simeon's residence, BEGS to intimate to the inhabitants of Lyttelton and its vicinity, that she lias commenced business as above, and hopes, by strict attention to the execution of orders, combined with moderate charges, to share theirpatronage. Straw Hats and Bonnets cleaned and altered.
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Lyttelton Times, Volume II, Issue 78, 3 July 1852, Page 1
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