Hgttelton GDfmrcf) aSuffofng Committee. | The Rev. B. W. Dudley, Chairman. I J. R. Godley, Esq. Mr. Longden, Dr. Donald, Mr. Packer, Mr. Bayfield, Mr. Wormald, Mr. Fitzgerald, Capt. Simeon, R.M. Mr. Hamilton, The Rev. H. Jacobs, Hon. Sec. Amount of Subscriptions already *! gag ,q . published . . . , J Mr. Newnham . -. • . . 0 10 0 /The Rev. R. B. Paul . . . 10 0 Mr. Eades^ ."' . . . . 2 2 0", Mr. W. Bannister . . . 2 20' Mrs. W. Bannister . , . 1 1 0 Mr. W. Hutchinson . . . 10 0 Mr. Joseph Axhby . . . 10 0 Mr. J. T. Parkinson ... 100 Total . . £893 5 4 Names of subscribers will be received at the Union Bank, Lyttelton; or by any Member of the Committee. • Lyttelton Church Building Committee. rriHE Lyttelton Church Building Com-.-•A*- m ittee request that those Subscribers to the Church Building Fund, who have not as \vgt paid the amount of their subscriptions, .will do so at,their earliest convenience, either at the • Bank, or to some member of the Committee, as "Contracts have been, and are about to be entered into. ' * By order of the Committee, Hen-ry Jacobs", Hon.. Sec. WILLIAM* KESSAL, SADDLER <& HARNESS MAKER, CHRISTCHURCH MEWS. IT.B. Repairs Neatly Executed. EDWARD GENET BEGS respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Lyttelton and its vicinity that he has opened a Store on Mr. Dainpier's section in London Street, for the sale of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, and hopes, by strict attention to business, combined with very moderate prices, to merit their patronage and support. N.B. Orders punctually attended to, and delivered free of charge. GEORGE ALLEN BEGS to inform the inhabitants of the Port and Christchurch that be has opened a MARKET GARDEN, for the supply of Vegetables, &c. of every description ; where may now be had Cabbage, Savoy. Brocoii, Borecole, and Cauliflower Plants of all descriptions, which he is prepared to sell at wholesale prices. Fire-wood and Piles for birlding purposes at all times on hand. Goods carefully removed and carted on reasonable terms to any part of the Plains. Ferry Road, near Chrisfrhur.-h. OBSERVE! A GOOD OPPORTUNITY. TO BE RAFFLED FOR, as soon as a sufficient number of members are procured, a Newly-erected Weather-boarded HOUSE, containing a large shop front and bed-room, situate in Cashel Street, Christchurcb. Conditions of Raffle . Twenty-five subscribers of £2 each; the "putter-up" and the winner to spend 50s. each. Apply to J. M'Ghath, on the premises. _ awTbleton whTStCE Y. OAA HHDS. of the above, of very ixJ\ f\J superior quality ami flavour, ID p.p. Apply to D. M. La!"rik. Norwich Quay, Feb. 7, 1.552. eT~" m a r m 0 R A." Af\ CASKS MARZETTIS ALE. H\J D. M. Laimuk. Norwich Quay, Feb. 6, 1552.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 3
Lyttelton Times, Volume II, Issue 57, 7 February 1852, Page 1
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