(FROM OUR OWN CORB^&HttSNT.) " Mr. ■ Inspector Bindon has been in the i listrict inspecting theuwHools under I iis charge. I have not heard of the , results of tbe work done bjt irfrar local } icboobj. vWWIiWY The monument wbich is to be erected o 4bm3iffißers<K9md9inßiti£ofcotlUe>-Ai£K ". Porce, arrived in Wellington over a week j go, and it majbVfti«^9tftfl4 in a day or iio in Manaia, Arrangements will be .; K»ea to nave some sort of • ceremony i i uitable to the fi£gmign, but of, the : tature of the ceremony I am sot as yet nware. " . t Tbe Town Board wTTTmeet on Wednel^ Way next, and tbe question 'o(u fXy ' tenditure on the ManaiK'roaS' TnfOTlplr he township will be the principal Advice ™&*mMtfi\Msrix. weeks i go tbat a sufficient sum had been act .i Bidefpr the removal of tbebuildinjr irom h«m^lttß:(B>^BiKpX&7^S 1 troper fitting up as a court house, but tip to tbe present nothing has apparently Seen- %m*Qtߣ Convenient room at present used will be still more uncomfortable through lommer- months,/ <jlfK A |franklyn conauots his business in the Land Office at present.
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Bibliographic details
Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume VI, Issue 1180, 28 November 1885, Page 2
Word Count
Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume VI, Issue 1180, 28 November 1885, Page 2
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