By the arrival of the "Wonga Wonga" we have the "Spectator" and "Independent" to the 11th inst., and the latter of the 14th (Saturday last). The election of two members for the Hutt to serve in the General Assembly had terminated as follows : —
— Messrs. Fitzherbert and Henall being, of course, declared duly elected. The "Marchioness" arrived in 'Wellington on the 12th inst., without the March Mail, although she had waited in Melbourne three weeks after the d«A.. date of the Victoria mail steamer.
His Honor communicated to the Council on the 10th inst., the steps taken to form his Executive. Mr. Woodward had been appointed Treasurer, and Mr. Brandon Solicitor. The Secretaryship had not yet been filled up. His Honor further proposes appointing Mr. Pox and the Honourable John Johnston to seats in the Executive, "as soon," says the "Independent," "as this can be done ■without interfering -with the business of the Council, as, if appointed at once, their seats becoming vacant, there would be no one to give explanations in the Council- on behalf of the Government."
A grand banquet had been given on the 12th, at Barrett's hotel, to celebrate the recent triumphs of Dr. Featherston and party, and to inaugurate a Constitutional Association that had been recently established. 500 persons are said to have been present, and of course there was the usual amount of speechifying and enthusiasm. Dr. Featherston, on that occasion, thus declared his intentions for the future : — "Should the majority of that Council persist in maintaining their seats after they had found that they have lost the confidence of their respective constituencies, should they persist in ignoring the voice of the people, the only course then left for me to pursue will be to ask the Governor at once to dissolve it, which I most certainly shall do. When I make such a declaration as this in the presence of some 400 or 500 persons, rest assured that it is my intention to carry it out.
According to the "Independent" of the 14th, the '"dead lock" had come at last. We read in that journal that, "on Wednesday evening, Mr. For moved the House into Committee, on the estimates, proposing to commence with the first item and go through to the end. Mr. Allen moved as an amendment that they should commence at page 15, with the item of "Q-overnment subsidy to the "Wonga Wonga" and Q-overnment subsidy to the Melbourne Mail Packets." He carried these two items and also, at Mr. Ludlam'e suggestion, the salaries for the door-keeper and messenger of the Council, and then Mr. Stokes moved a resolution to the effect that the Council would not consider the estimates any further till the Superintendent had appointed an Executive and/ t&e vacant seats in the Council should be filled up." At a later period of the evening the Council adjourned till the 7th Sept. .. '
An important proposal had been made by the Melbourne Chamber of Commerce to the Wellington authorities, viz., that £6000 should, he granted by the Victorian government towards the opening of mail steam communication between that colony and Wellington. The Superintendent had addressed the Council upon the subject, but, of course, in the existing state of things, the consideration of the matter was deferred.
Cheyne Hart Fitzherbert Eenall Lower Hutt 145 151 148 146 Upper Hutt 1 2 71 72 "Wai-nui-o-mata 0 0 10 10 146 153 229 228
Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume 1, Issue 48, 21 August 1858, Page 3
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