NEW MINISTERS. THEIR PORTFOLIOS.' (Per Press Association.) WELLINGTON, September 4. Mr Masscy anounced the portfolios of ' newly-appointed Ministers to-day as follows: — Minister of Justice and PostmasterGeneral — Hon. Mr Coates. Minister of Internal Affairs. — Hon. Mr Hine. Minister *of Agriculture. — Hon. Mr Nosworthy. • , In reply to questions, the Prime Minister said that there will still be minor readjustments to bo made. Tho Departments of Educa tion and Public Health would, ho snu I ', continue to be administered by Sir Francis Bell, at any rat e for the time being. THE RESHUFFLE. HOW PORTFOLIOS ARE ALLOTTED WELLINGTON, September 4. The redistribution of portfolios, consequent on the appointment e of new members to the Ministry, is now complete. The folowing are the details: — Right Hon. Massey (Prime Minister) retain« Industries and Commerce, Labour and the Electoral Department and bo also takes the Railways and the Police Forces. Sir Tamos Allon retains Defence and takes in addition Finance, Stamp Duties, Land and Income Tax and the Stnte Guarantee* I ,' Advances D,pnartomnt. He will also retain the War Pensions which always previously has boon considered part of Defence administration The Hon. Herri es retains Native Affairs, and takes in addition Customs. Marine. Inspection of Machinery, P°n- 1 sions. Nations* l Provident Fund. He | will .-till bo Chairman of the Repatriation Bwi-il Sir William Frasor retains Public Works; sfi'V takes also Mines. Roads, the Legislative Department and Public Buildings. „ Sir Francis Bell rotj»*ns the offices of Attornov-Goneral and Commissioner of State Forests and Minister for Immigration, ami ho- becomes also Minister of Education. Public Health and Hosmtals and CharitabloAid and Mental Hospitals and Valuation. Hon. Mr Guthrio will take no new portfolios, but he will keep that of Lamls. aLn<^ for Settlement. Soldiers' Land Sot^cment and Scenery Preserva tion portfolios. Hon. Mr Hinc will be Minister of Internal Affairs and will talce also the Departments of Friendly Societies, ftatn Fire Insurance, Printing and''Stationery. Hon. Mr Nosworthv will be Minister of JVcrricultiiro ar,d will have charge alm of the Departments of Tourist and Health Resorts. . Ron. Mr Coates will bo Minister of Justice and Postmaster-General. He will also take charge of the Public Trust Office and of Government Life and Ac-, eifjent Insurance. '
Grey River Argus, 5 September 1919, Page 3
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