At last night's' meeting of the Greymouth Borough Council, after the ordinary business Councillor Grace said that he would like to take thfc opportunity, pf thanking the Mayor for his past services. Not only as Mayor, but in patriotic matters Mr Perkins had done fine work and only those in touch', with him knew of the great deal of work he had to do. He had had one of the most strenuous tcims of Mayor in the histpry of Greymoutli. He had much pleasure in moving a hearty vote of thanks to. the Mayor for the capable mariner in which he had discharged his duties and the lively interest he had taken in patriotic matters. , - Councillor Harley supported the motion. There was no question, said the Councillor, that the Mayor had shown fairness and ta6t in his duties which; .were by no means light. He did hot think the people knew what a solid worker the Mayor was. It was fitting that they should show their good-will "and appreciation. •' Councillor Greenslade supplemented the remarks made. Mr Perkins would leave the position with honour and go out with the best wishes or the people pf Greymouth. The council could congratulate itself on the improved financial position which was a splendid achievement in the face of so much trouble.
Councillor Sheedy also spoke. He had been in the council for eight years and he had always found the Mayor acted with fairness and tact. Councillor Doogan added his tribute pointing out that it was not a question of' a ten hour day, but the Mayor managed to get a .great deal or work done. He had filled the position with honour and the people appreciated him.
. The Mayor in his reply said that for several reasons he could npt stand again. He had been a long time in °, ttlqe ,j and he fought " the position should be occupied by someone else, it had taken up more time than he could afford and he had been compelled to relinquish the position. He was gratified to know that he had the confidence of the council He had acted straight and conscientiously. He trusted that during the comine year the war would be at an end and that there would be an improvement, ihe pphev of the last few years would be necessary, for the times would remain bad for some time yet. He knew that a gravitation water supplywas desirable but it was impossible to have it yet, as the borough wa s living pn the profits from the gas works and the, various licenses. The rates only just met the payments in interest and sinking funds. • ' ".
He thanked all for the courtesy extended to him , and he could also include the many councillors that had sat at the council-table during- his five years tenure of office. He thanked the council for the statements made that night. (Applause).
Grey River Argus, 20 April 1917, Page 3
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