Mr W. Hazel ton, at present ActingPostmaster at Feilding, has been promoted to Wnihi as Postmaster.
Dr. A. \V. Averill, Anglican Bishop of Auckland, is expected back, from the Lambeth Conference on December 6.
The registrar of the Otago University has been ml vised by cable that Dr. Mills, of Melbourne University, has been unable to accept the Chair of Economics.
Sir Thomas Mackenzie had a civic reception in Duuedin yesterday. The attendance generally was representative of the province and the city.
The sudden death occurred at Wellington on Sunday of Mr li. M. Litchfield, well known in Wellington, and formerly chief auditor of the Bank of New Zealand at Christchurch.
Lt.-Col. J. L. Slceman, 1.G.5., Director of Military Training, has revturned to New Zealand from Austrawhere he has been studying the Australian aviation and defeuco system.
Lt.-Col. A. B. Charters, one of the best known of the school inspectors in the AVellington education district, is resigning his position in the Education Department in order to go on the land, north of Auckland.
The death lias occurred in Christ-church-of Mr Cyril J. Mountfort, a well-known Christchuroh architect. Mr Mountfort was 68 years of age. He had been in failing health for .some time, and on Friday last ho suf,l'ered a paralytic seizure.
The engagement is announced of Miss draco. Olivine Hobmaii, oldest daughter of Mr and Mrs W. Molmian, of Marlbomugh, to Mr Walter M. Southee, of the Post and Telegraph Oilice, Feilding, eldest son of Mrs and the late Mr Southee, of Manakau.
Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 4157, 30 November 1920, Page 2
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