« Mr A. Henderson was married to Miss Annie Dudding at Hunterville on Wednesday. Mr and Mrs W. Domigan, and Mrs Geo. Woods, left Feilding this morning for the Christchurch Exhibition. Mr John Duthie left Wellington yesterday by the Uiyerina for Melbourne, whore ht> will take passago for England. Mr Dnthie will be absent some months from the colony. Mr William Montgomery, on his retirement from the Legislative ' Council, after a continuous service of more than ten years, has been granted permission to retain the title of Honourable. , Mr C. H. Handley, of Komako, will be a candidate for the representation of the Tamaki Hiding of I*6-' hangina County CgHfccft, vacant by the resign* tvcnf'df Cr. F. G. K. I'hillpotts, "who will leave next month fttt a visit to England. — Standard. At the Foresters' Hall last night, a farewell dance was given by his lady and gentlemen friends to Mr A. H. Palairet, of the Feilding branch of the Union Bank. Mr Palairet is being removed to the Bank's branch at Auckland.
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Feilding Star, Volume I, Issue 192, 15 February 1907, Page 2
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Feilding Star, Volume I, Issue 192, 15 February 1907, Page 2
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