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Wellington March 9. The election resulted :— Duthie, 7283 ; Kirk, 6254.
The election passed off very quietly ; in fact it was the most sedate election held in Wellington. This was partly owing to the extra number of polling booths preventing undue crushing and partly to the instructions given to the Returning officers and police to allow no interference with voters.
There were 16 booths and Duthie had a majority at 12 of them, the final and corrected result being — Duthie, 7283 ; Kirk, 6254 ; majority, 1029.
When the result was made known Mr Duthie very briefly returned thanks.
Mr Kirk, speaking later on, said lie had abstained from personalities and fought as good a fight as he could. He did not believe the labour party had split their vote.
The Premier also spoke from his car riage in Lambton Quay. He said he hoped the next election would reverse the decision, and the best man would have been Mr Kirk. A great many who now said thej' were supporters of Mr Duthie would not have dared to say so last night. There had been an undercurrent for the past four or five days, but notwithstanding the pressure brought to bear against them they had fought a good fight, and the result showed there were over 6000 people who still believed in progress and enlightenment and the prosperity of the town.
Details of the polling--Duthic. Kirk. Skating Kink 891 1805 Drill Shed 700 477 Exchange Hall ... 1223 884 Criterion Theatre ... 808 860 Clyde Quay 412 862 Riddiford Street ... 5118 171 "Willis Street 550 442 Tinakori Hoad 842 192 Buckle Street 200 853 Boys' Institute ... 21G 167 Sailors' P.est 269 274 Choral Hall 206 151 Kent Terrace ... ... 456 164 "Webb Street 286 151 Adelaide Koad 267 819 Sydney Street 465 422 Totals 7288 6254 Later.
Feilding Star, Volume XIX, Issue 214, 10 March 1898, Page 2
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