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AIR CASUALTIES The following casualties to New Zealand air personnel serving overseas were reported last night:— .-■:■'■■■ BREWER, Gordon W., Flying Officer, D.F.C, missing on air operations. Mr. W. Brewer, 107 St. George St., Papatoetoe (f.). BROWN, Stanley C, Pilot Officer, missing on air operations. Mr. C. E. Brown, Main Street, Oxford, Canterbury (f.). CHAMBERS, Charles A., Sgt., missing on air operations. Mrs. E. A. Chambers, Motukarara, via Christchurch (m.).. DOEL, Alfred \V., Flight Lieutenant, missing on air operations. Mr. A. Doel, care Police Station, Taihape (f.). EDMONDS, Robert F., F/Sgt., missing on air operations. Mr. J. Edmonds, 35 Baildon Road, Grey Lynn, Auckland (f.). ELLIOT, Thomas J., Pilot Officer, confirmed prisoner of war. Mr. W. Elliot, care IZB, Auckland (f.). FERGUSON, Victor W., Flying Officer, missing on air operations. Mrs. V. Ferguson, Dlgby House, Tattershall Road, Woodhall Spa., Lines, (w.); Mr. H." H. Ferguson, Box 8, Feilding (f.). JAMIESON, Hector A., Pilot Officer, missing on air operations. Mrs. N. H. Jamieson, Pukekohe, Auckland (m.). JONES, Owen X., Flying Officer, missing on air operations. Mrs. 0. K. Jones, Trewan Takeley Street, Bishops Stottford, Hertfordshire (w.) ; Mr. S. O. Jones, 21 Gilbert Street, New Plymouth (f.). LAVIN, Norman H., F/Sgt., missing on air operations. Mrs. J- H. Lavin, 38 Havil Street, Palmerston North (m.). McDONALD, Donald K. H., Sgt., missing believed killed on active service. Mrs. D. McDonald, 69 Middlegate, Winnipeg, Manitoba (w.) ; Mrs. K. M. McDonald, 29 Margaret Street, Wadestown, Wellington (m.). McKAY, Frank G., F/Sgt., missing on air operations. Mrs. B. McKay, 22 Union Street, Papanul, Christchurch (m.). PULLAN, Arthur A. H., F/Sgt., missing on air operations. Mrs. H. A. Pullan, 122 Sduthampton Street, Sydenham, Christchurch <m... RUFF, lan R. V., F/Sgt., missing on air operations. Mrs. A. W. Ruff, Box 5, Walmana (m.). SECORD, Ronald W., Warrant Officer, missing on air operations. Mr. P. Secord, 6 Grants Road, Papanui, Christchurch (f.). SHEEHAN, Bernard, Sgt., missing on air operations Mr. J. Sheehan, 376 Manchester Street, Christchurch (f.). t SIM, Robert J., Pilot Officer, missing on air operations. Mrs. P. Sim, Whangarei Hospital, Whangarci (w.). WHYMAN, Owen X., Sgt., missing on air operations. Mrs. J. Why man, George Street, Te Puke (m.). WORKMAN, Leslie E., Sgt., missing on air operations. Mrs. E. Workman, Deal Street, Kaikoura (m.). RECLASSIFICATIONS. ANSTEY, William 1., Flight Lieutenant, D r F.C, R.A.F., previously reported seriously 111, now dangerously HI as at July 19, 1943. DENSE, Ernest W.,. L/Ac, previously reported missing, believed prisoner of war, now reclassified to missing as from February 1, 1943. EVERETT, George W. J., Sgt., previously reported missing, death now officially presumed as at November 9, 1942. FENTON, James W., Sgt., previously reported missing, death now officially presumed as at November 10, 1942. GOULD, Robert J., Sgt., previously reclassified missing believed killed, death now officially presumed as at September 24, 1942. HENDERSON, Francis M. JEL, F/Sgt., D.F.M., previously reported seriously ill, now removed from seriously 111 list as at July 20, 1943. - HOLMES, Stanley, Sgt., previously ro'olassifled . missing, believed killed, death now officially presumed as at December 17, 1942. HOOD, Frank N„ Pilot Officer, previously reported missing believed prisoner of war, now reclassified to missing as at February i: 1943. JULIAN, Ivon, Flight Lieutenant, previously reported missing, believed prisoner of war, now reclassified to missing as at February 1, 1943. KUHN, Edmond E. G., Sgt., previously reported missing, believed prisoner of war, now reclassified to missing as at February 1, 1943. MARTIN, Leslie H., Sgt., previously reported missing, death now officially presumed as at October 29, 1942. MEREDITH, Richmond L., Flying Officer, previously reported missing, death now officially presumed as at October 29, 1942. NORRIS, Francis W., Sgt., previously reclassified missing, believed killed, death now officially presumed as at November 2S, 1942. OAKDEN, Frank W. J., Flight Lieutenant, pre- # vlously reported missing, believed prisoner" i of war, now reclassified to missing as at February 1, , 1943. SHARP, Noel C, Pilo,t Officer, previously reported missing, believed prisoner of war, now reclassified to missing as at February 1, 1943. SHEPHERD, Leonard C, F/Sgt., previously reclassified missing, believed killed, death now officially, presumed as at December 17, 1942. " ■','...■ TOWNROW, Leonard A., F/Sgt., previously reported missing, now confirmed prisoner of war. VIBERT, John G., F/Sgt., previously reported missing, believed prisoner of war, now confirmed prisoner of war.
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Evening Post, Volume CXXXVI, Issue 22, 26 July 1943, Page 4
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714ROLL OF HONOUR Evening Post, Volume CXXXVI, Issue 22, 26 July 1943, Page 4
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ROLL OF HONOUR Evening Post, Volume CXXXVI, Issue 22, 26 July 1943, Page 4
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