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YESTERDAY'S POLLING COUNCHjS AND BOARDS Results o£ polling in the^civlc elections in districts outside tlic four main centres are Deported by telegraph as follows:— Awatere. County Council.—A. J. H.'Gavin, A. R. Wooding, j\. J. Murray, L. L. T. Bush, C. G. r». Hunt, C. P. Gainsford, J. A. Reilly. Blenheim. May6ralty.—4 ohn Stevenson, 646; Christopher Titaiothy Smith, 524; Bernard J. Cooke, 299. Borough Council.— C. T. Smith, Jas. Smith, T. B. Salmon, J. P. Clarkson, B. J. Cooke, Bt- R. McMurtry, C. E. Costello, C. A.. Garside, and A. W. Taylor. Bluff. Mayoralty.—The Eev. A. E. Waite, 600; N. W. McGcirlick, 414. The retiring Mayor (T. F. Difcj'le) did not seek reelection. Brunner. Mayoralty.—G. i>meaton (re-elected) 331, F. Williams 177. Borough Counttiil.—W. Barber, R. Fordham, W. Guttoerlett, A. McLaggan, D. Mclvor, T. Harper. Buller. County CouncUU—^Karamea riding, W. R. Simpson; MBlerton, the Hon. W. H. Mclntyre; Ngi\kawau, J. Jordan; Granity, D. Kerr; Wareatea, A. Phillips; Denniston, R. Hawes. The following were returned: unopposed:—D. J. Archer, J f Powell, V. DeUevedova. Carterton. Mayoralty.—W. 1 fisher (unopposed). Wairarapa Hospital .Board Representative.—J. F. Thompson (unopposed). Daiinevirke. Mayoralty.—E. GfJfabard 733, S. McNabb 703. Borough CounciL-^J. E. Tyler, J. H. Redfern, G. I. Ander Bon, G. E. Graham, L. W. Ward, D. T. Gj\over, A. N. Brighton, C W. Merrylees,tA. Haines. Councillor W. Dobson, after 18 years' service, is one of the two defeated councillors. Representatives os\ the Hospital Board.—L. Stein and ©'. C Smith. Dargaville. Mayoralty.—F. A. Jomes (unopposed). Borough Council.—JL A. McLean, R. Gibson, B. Berry. F. J. Hosking, T. Brady, A. C. Ball, A- Paul, J. Sundberg, A. D. Goodwin. 1 The loan proposals |to raise £30,000 and £267,000 were cariaed by a majority of four to ■ one. j Eketahuna. Borough Council.—l>. Ryan 225. E. Simmers 204, W. Qlsen* 204, J. S. Tripe 202, :P. S. Page 198, Ei H. Norton 187 (elected), O. Walton 186, A. Ross 135, S. Daniels and F. Hopper withdrew from the contest. Eketahuna County Council.—J. B Carruthers 109, A. E. Brittain 107, A. J. Perry 100 (elected),. D. H. Butcher 56. ; ; Featherston. Borough CouncU.—M. B. Tait 285, C. K. Skipage 282, Dr..G. Si. Sharp 270, R. F. Watson 266, C. C. Kenwood 241, W. Bervton 235, H. W. Cwndy 227, J. D. Ross 219, F. E. A. Dohrtt 217 (elected), H. Buck 196, K. D. Smith" 144. FeUding. Borough Council.—E. Fair 1011, A: C. McCorkindale 989; (3. S. Jeffs.Bs3i T. L. Seddon 814, W. Wj. Andrews 770j A. J. Kellow 753, G. Diarragh''744,"V. E. Smith 723, P. G. Guy 523 (elected); D. M. Reid 522; C: J. Flitzpatrick. 510, C. B. T. McClure 490, C. LashUe 400, O. C. Sporle 376, J. Nairri 349, G. Buckman 307. : For Palmerston North Hospital Board.—V. E. Smith 806' (elected); P. G. Guy .528. '■■ Gisborne. .'''■!.- T Mayoralty.—David W. Coleman, MP. (Labour) 3081, John SGackson (sitting Mayor) 2948; majority fbir Coleman 133. Borough Council.—-From 27 candidates the following were elected:—H. E. Maude, H. H. De Costa, J. H. Hall (Labour), D. S. Thompson, G. B. Smith, H. Holmes, J. Bushnell, N. H. Bull, James Webb. There is one new member each on the Harbour Board, the Jlospital Board, and the Power Board. The Saturday half-holiday was carried by 4165 votes to 1156, involving a change from Thursday. Gore. Mayoralty.—A. T. Newman (sitting Mayor), 1329; D. McDongalL M.P., 566. Half-holiday Poll.—Wednesday, 551; Saturday, 239, Wednesday retained. Greymouth. Mayoralty. —L. Bffeldrum - 1420 (elected); P. A. Kitchingham 1317, F. L. Turley 676; informal 39.' Half-holiday Poll.-«aturday 1763, Wednesday 1619. This means a change from Wednesday. Grey. County Council Representatives.—A. Robinson 328, W. Clayton 322, J. Mulcare 290 (elected), H. Carter 273, W. Fisher 224. . County Representatives, Hospital Board.—A. Robinson 368, J. Mulcare 337, H. Carter 327 (elected), Fisher 269, A. Donnellan 229. Greytown. Mayoralty.—A. W. Horton 185, H, T. Rees (sitting Mayor) 183, A. H. Vile 124. Hamilton. Mayoralty.—J. R. Fow (re-elected) 2568, T. Parker 2211, C. Lafferty 569. For the Borough Council there were 22 candidates for 12 seats. Two new members and ten sitting members were elected. Hastings. Mayoralty.—G. A. Maddison was returned unopposed. Borough CounciL—Rainbow 3351, McKee 3190, McCormick 2900, Ashcroft 2768, Loach 2561, Cohr 2498, Falconer 2436, Slater 2161, Dobson 2140 (elected), Stickland 2038, Bastin 1877, Barry 1440, Barley 1138, Dalley 935, Mrs. Bellerby 733. Hawera. Mayoralty.—J. E. Campbell (unopposed). ■ Borough Council.—W. R. Butler, J. L. Carter, S. A. Chisholm, L. H. Clapham, J. Edmonston, R. R. Henderson, A. Reid, D. G. Smart, P. O. Veale. .Hospital Board (two borough representatives).—L. O. Hooker and W, G. 'Simpson. South Taranaki Power Board (two borough "representatives) .—J. E. Campbell and E..A. Pacey. Patea Harbour Board (one borough representative).—S. Blake. One Riding of Hawera County.—J. B. Murdoch, E. A. Washer, and A. E.
Linn. Mr. C. J. Preston (sitting member) was defeated. Waverley Riding of Patea County.— C. E. Johnston defeated and L. H. Watkins and C. K. Campbell (new member) returned. Hokitika. Borough Council.—H. L. Michel, A. Elcock, H. Parry, A. Thompson, G. Heinz, E. Park, T. Duff,~J. King, E. Teichelmann. Half-holiday poll.—For Wednesday, 588; for Saturday. 352. No change. Inglewood. Mayoralty.—J. Gibbs, 354; R. B. Sutton, 238. Inangahua. County Council.—W. Clayton, and G. B. Mclndoe were re-elected for the Antionios riding, while for the Reefton riding the voting was: W. F. Archer 146, F. Seawright 104, J. B. Auld 86 (elected), D. Panckhurst 80. Invercargill. Mayoralty.—Mr. John Miller was returned unopposed. Kumara. Mayoralty.—Hamjer, 140; R. Spiers, 130. Borough Council.—J. Reedy, J. Murphy, N. Inglis, J. Keating, J. Gilbert, J. McDonald, D. Hanna, J. A. Peever, Mrs. Passmore. Levin. . " Mayoralty.—P. W. Goldsmith (reelected unopposed). Borough Council (nine required).— F. E. Parker* 700, C. S. Keedwell* 690, D. P. Todd* 676, G. C. France* 627, D. S. Mackenzie* 624, H. Walker* 607, Miss H. E. Bowen 584, J. Harvey* 560, W. G. Bishop 532 (the above are elected), F. G. Roe* 520, F. E. Trim 420, F. C. Lemmon 297, W. Seddon 279. Horowhenua Electric Power Board Representative.rr-C.. S. Keedwell (reelected unopposed). Foxton Harbour Board Representative.—P. W. Goldsmith (re-elected un opposed). Palmerston North Hospital Board Representative for Levin, Otaki, and Shannon boroughs.—G. A. Monk 931, W. G. Bishop 779.' Marlborough. County Council.—H. J. Stace, W. Dick, J. O'Dwyer, Jas. Kennington, A, M. Heberd, A. H. Nees, A. M. W. Adams, F. E. Fairweather, .W. Dick, R. Forsyth, J. W. Douglas, and one more to be elected for the Pelorus riding. Hospital Board.—N. A. J. H. Gavin, T. Morrin, C. L. TunnicUffe, C. F. A. Whitford, G. Woolley, C. Nees, W. G. Rudd, T. C. Pritchard, J. R. Buncombe, F. E. Fairweather. (No changes.) -Power Board.—H. J. Stace, F. Lissaman, J. A. Reilly, C. Nees, W. H. Gane, W.G. Rudd, E. S. Parker, <C. E. Costello. (No changes.) Masterton. Mayoralty.—T., Jordan (unopposed). Borough" Council.—A. Rippon 1359, H. E. Gardner 1349, J. Innes 1277, W. H. Judd 1261, W. Kemp 1251, G. D. Wilson 1238, W. White. 1169, A. D. Low 1139, E. R. Rogers 1119, R. Russell 996, A. T. Jackson 992 (elected), T. Beetham 976, C. H. Anderson 930, T. L. L. Pearson 919, J. R. Donovan 743, R. Frater 737, C. B. McClymont 723, H. H. Liddle 521. Hospital Board Representatives.—J. C. Ewington 1487, Mrs. S. Fletcher 1444, T. Beetham 1118 (elected). Wairarapa Representatives on Wellington Harbour Board.—Hugh Morrison 6855, T. R. Barrer 5552 (elected), Ben. "Roberts 3663. Martinborough. ' • 7... Mayoralty.—W. B. Martin (sitting) 306, P. R. Plummer.227. Marton. '■: \ Purnell (unopposed), after 13J years' service as Mayor and 50 years' service as a local representative. All councillors returned unopposed. Replying to eulogistic speeches and a presentation, Mr. Purnell said it was well to remember that New Zealand was a young country, and not to atr tempt to do tilings too quickly. Along the present lines Marton had been entirely free of cfebt for fifteen" years. Mataura. Mayoralty.—John Buchanan, 429; Charles D. McConnell (sitting), 376. Motueka. Mayoralty.—R. J. L. York, 475 (reelected); E. S. Wratt, 366: " Napier. Mayoralty ,—ti. O. Morse (sitting Mayor) 2205, A. H. Ferguson 2089, J. Law 1270,-J. Vigor Brown 549, B. B. Creagh 434; majority for Morse 116. Nelson. Mayoralty.—G. L. Page, 2699; H. E. A. Washbourn, 1407. City Council.—E. Neale, J. Fitzgerald, J. Glasgow, S. A. Gibbs, L. Pettit, H. G. B. Hurst, S. H. Moynagh, S. McArthur, G. P. Russell. New Plymouth. Mayoralty.—E. R. C. Gilmour, 3213; R. W. D. Robertson, 2232. Otaki. Mayoralty.—T. O'Rourke (sitting) 379, C. F. Atmore 333. Borough Council.—Messrs. Cockrell, Young, Roera, Fearnley, Richards, and McGilL River Board.—Messrs. Fogden, Williams, Renwick, Broadway, Fearnley, Ryder, and Kilmister. The library loan proposal was carried. Palmerston North. Mayoralty.—A. E. Mansford (unopposed). City Council.—R. L. C. Aitchison 3805, J. Hodgens 3691, W. Brown 3477, W. B. Tennent 3398, G.1 Tremaine 3282, W. Mouldey 3270, J.T. J. Heatley 3143, A' A. Langley 2841, J. J. Stevenson 2475 (elected)^ W. F. Cutler 2367, J. J. O'Shea 2094, M. Briggs 1902, E. Ward 1289, F. Lee 955. Hospital Board.—A. E. Mansford 4661, J. Hodgens 3775, Mrs. M. A. Aitchison 3749, J. A. Nash 3135 (elected); P. A. Vincent -1471, T. B. Aitken 980, and J. B. de Cleene 695. Wellington Harbour Board.—M. A. Eliott 6031, and W. L. Fitzherbert 6027 (elected); J. Hodgens 4552, and W. H. Oliver (Feilding) 2737. Patea. Mayoralty.—F. Ramsbottom (unopposed). Borough Council.—A. T. Christensen, F. S. McKenna, R. W. Haddon, A. H. Langslow, D. Roots, F. Naismith. Patea Ward, South Taranaki Poweu Board.—F. Parsons retained his seat, but A. J. Gibbs was defeated by D Hurley. Pahiatua. Mayoralty: J.-D. Wilson (unopposed). Borough Council: J. E. Murphy A W.Carthew, W. H. Murch, J. W. Sturtori, W. T. Brown, S. K. Siddells, A. D Donald, T. W. Watts, F. Britland. There were 13 candidates, and three new members were elected. Picton. Borough Council.—X. B. Sadd, R. G. Dawkins, A. E. Greig, E. R. Lane, G. M. Blizzard, H. E. Oldham, J. M. Carnahan, W. E. Davies, and J. J. O'Grady were elected. Rotorua. Mayoralty.—T. Jackson, 1435; 'J. Banks, 451. Majority for Jackson, 984. Wednesday half-holiday was retained. Rnnanga. Mayoralty.—R. McTaggart (re-elect-ed) 408, G. English 273. Borough Council.—H. Dugau 476, F.
Oakley 468, E. Kennedy 460, J. Rutherford 411, W. Pendlebury 37G, J. E McTigue 373 (elected), H. Johnson 352 J Piner 344, W. Jones 288. Power Board Representative.—J. Tjnwin. defeated' the sitting member H Duggan, by 368 to 319. Hospital Representative.—R. McTaggart (sitting) 397 defeated W. Pendlebury 276. South Invercargill. Mayoralty. — Owen Smith, 218; Charles Millar Dickson, 89. The retiring Mayor (W. McChesney) did not seek re-election. Stratford. Hospital Board.—Mrs. A. Phillips, Mrs. D. Shannon, J. Cormick, T. R. Anderson, M. J. H. Gernhoefer, L. E. Harm, G. P. Harkness, and J. D. Law. Mayoralty.—J. W. McMillan (unopposed). Borough Council.—Dr. W. P. Gordon, R. F. Harkness, A. Nelson, R. Curtis, C. Finnerty, W. E. Williams, T. Lawson, A. Trotter, C. Speck. County Council.—T. R. Anderson, J. C. Best, H. C. Taylor, W. Vickers, S. Pitt (re-elected), A. L. Stanford, B. Hutchen, G. Jensen (new members). Taumarunui. Mayoralty.—C. A. Boles (sitting Mayor) 482, S. Bishara 470. Tauranga. Mayoralty: L. R. Wilkinson 669, B. C. Robbins (former Mayor) 429, A. J. Tunks (retiring Mayor) 212, W. F. Sinclair 118. Borough Council: F. J. Allely, A. N. lies, W. McKinnon, A. W. Every, J. M. Dames, T. E. Youngman, J. F. R. Wallace, C. T. McFarlane, A. J. Gallagher. Hospital Board representatives: Miss Gavey, B. C. Robbins. Timaru. Mayoralty.—T. W. Satterthwaite (sitting Mayor),, 2956; G. Benstead, 2085; A. M. Paterson, 528; G. T. Koller (Labour), 349. Waipukurau. Borough Council.—G. H. Martin 749, R. W. Carpenter 742, J. McCarthy 708, J. L. Braithwaite 615, G. Brummell 606, J. Windle 555 (elected), J. Butler 451. J. Hopkinson 435. Hall-holiday Poll.—Wednesday 465, Saturday 456, majority for Wednesday 9. Power Board.—Election of a representative of the Waipukurau borough on the Central Hawke's Bay Power Board: A. C. Holmes 588, J. Butler 339. Wairau. River Board.—W. A, Litchfield, J. Morrin; A. V. Badman, J. Sutherland, E. S. Parker, J. L. Homes, R. A. Hawkins, H. J. Stace, and J. H. Dick were elected. Wanganui. Mayoralty.—W. J. Rogers (L.) 5700. W. M. Falconer (I.) 4713. The city council results reduce the Labour seats to three, not including the Labour Mayor. The council is as follows:—Robertson (L.) 6144, Cotterm (L.) 5376. Crowley 5233, Jones 4991, Halligan 4828. G. Bennett 4464. Siddells 5502, Spriggens 5340, Scott. (L.) 5275, Trott 4919, Atkinson 4593, Hales 4434. Waimate. Mayoralty.—G. Dash (re-elected unopposed). The Borough Council was also returned unopposed. The half-holiday is changed from Thursday to Saturday by 415 votes to 289. Only 43 per cent, of the electors voted. The only election for the Waimate County Council was in the Otaio Riding. Mr. H. B. S. Johnstone (chairman), 147 votes, defeated Mr. J. J. Gregan, 105. Waimea. A County Council proposal to : raise £12,000 for tar-sealing was carried by 1766 votes to 396. Wairoa. Mayoralty: Harker (sitting), 796; Corkill, 491. All the sitting members who offered their services again for the borough council were re-elected. Mr. George Ormond replaces his father as representative of the Mahia Riding on the County Council. Mr. Ormond, sen., did not seek re-election after over 20 years' service. Westport. Mayoralty.—J. Kilkenny (re-elected) 1067, D. M. Robertson 655. Borough Council.—J. M. Robertson 1005, J. Bird 972, O. L. Nahr 983, E. Taylor 924, E. R. Fox 896, C. H. Thomas 951, J. Stowell 848, J. Radford 913, M. ODea 920. Hospital Board.—Borough, Mrs. Bird, E. R. Fox, H. Nahr; county, Hon. W. H. Mclntyre, R. Hawes, J. N. Niven, J. Griffiths, R. Finlayson. Whangarei. Mayoralty.—W. Jones (unopposed). Half-holiday, Saturday 1575, Thursday 949. .Thursday has been observed hitherto. Loan proposals totalling £16,000 for a new library and bridge were carried. A proposal to raise £297,000 for electricity reticulation to the North Auckland Power Board was carried bjra big majority. Woodville. Mayoralty.—H. P. Home (sitting) 293, J. Elder 275. Borough Council.—A. Olsson 404, R. Bly 353, H. Galbraith 346, R. R. Johnston 326, C. Forbes 299, J. Sullivan 271, F. Shearman 267 (elected); A. M. Pickering 265, K. P. B. Better 239, J. A. Phelane 237, A. K. Boyd 229, F. M.' Kenney 206.
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Evening Post, Volume CXIX, Issue 108, 9 May 1935, Page 4
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2,356CIVIC ELECTIONS Evening Post, Volume CXIX, Issue 108, 9 May 1935, Page 4
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CIVIC ELECTIONS Evening Post, Volume CXIX, Issue 108, 9 May 1935, Page 4
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