(By Telegraphr-Press Association.) INVERCABGILL, This Day. The death has occurred of Mr. J. C. Thomson,- who represented the- Wallace electorate in Parliament for twenty years.
The late Mr. Thomson was born at Invereargill in 1866 and was educated privately and at the Invereargill Grammar School and the District High School. He was a member of the Wallace and I'iord Hospital Trust from 1S. CI3 to 1902, and served, on the Wallace Licensing Committee from 1593 to ISO6J when he was appointed a ■Justice of the Pence. He was Mayor of Riverton from 1900 to 1903. He occupied a soat'on tho Southland Board of Education for 3-1 years, including several voars as chairman, and was also a governor of the Southland Boys' and Girls' High Schools and a member of the Otago University Senate. In 1907 he represented the Southland Education Board at the Imperial Conference on Education. Mr. Thomson had two terms in the Houso of Representatives —from 1902 to 1919, when he was defeated by Mr. A. Hamilton, and for three years after tho 1922 General Election, when lie turned tho tables on Mr. Hamilton, who returned to the House in 1925. Mr. Thomson's health had been failing for some years past.
. (By Telegraph—Press Association.)
GOBE, This Day. The death' has occurred at Auckland 'of Dr. Wm. MeAra, a medical practitioner at, Gore for thirty-one years. Ihe deceased served in the Great War, and was a popular figure in medical circles. Ho is survived by his widow.
(By Telegraph.—Press CHRISTCHURCH, This Day. The death has occurred of Mr, .Robert Steele Pearson, aged 56, headmaster of tho New Brighton District High School and formerly of the Normal School and of the Timaru "West School. Mr. Pearson was a former member of the Teachers' Appeal Board and a prominent member of the Educational Institute. He died suddenly following an operation.
fRr, TnloiTr-nnVi —PrnßO Association ) I
(By Telegraph—Press Association ) INVERCABGILIj, This Day. Mr. \V. G. Aspinall, formerly a barrister at Temuka, where- he took a leading- part in public affairs, is dead. Mr. Aspinall, who was 80 years of age, retired from practice eight years ago, and went to live with his son at Stewart Island.
Evening Post, Volume CXVII, Issue 83, 9 April 1934, Page 11
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