(By Telegraph.—Press Association.) r, NAPIER, Mar 12.V A crowded hall-of people greeted the two departing Commissioners of Napier, Messrs. J. S. Barton and L. B. Campbell^ who haVe administered the affairs of the city since the earthquake, at a valedictory ceremony arranged by'the Mayor (Mr. C. 0. Morse) tonight. . ~-....■ Mr. Morse referred to the fine record set by the Commissioners during the past two years, and paid a tribute to the'spirit of co-operation which had dominated their association with the people of Napier. Other speakers concurred in the sentiments expressed by the Mayor, and at the conclusion Mr. Barton was presented with a .silver kiwi mounted on a base, the .whole, forming a paper, weight. It was made locally. Mr. Campbell was presented with a beautiful cut-glass decanter and classes.
A remit that the New Zealand Educational Institute, should press with all its power for the repeal of the law depriving teachers, as such, of their full rights of freedom of speech as citizens, was adopted,. without discussion, at the N.Z.8.1, conference yesterday.
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Evening Post, Volume CXV, Issue 111, 13 May 1933, Page 12
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Evening Post, Volume CXV, Issue 111, 13 May 1933, Page 12
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