Mr. -T. Bull, of Kangitikei, was 3a! town to-day. Mr. Algar Williams return.: 4«i Cliristelnireh to-night. Mr. A. Harris, M.P., will he among the passengers leaving for the Soutk by the Wahine to-night. Commander Boyle is leaving for Ilia" South by the Wahine to-night. Mr. D. A. Aiken, -managing director of the U.S.S. Co., and Mrs. Aiken, 'who have been on a motor tour of the .HoU Lakes District, returned. to Wciiliugtou. yesterday. ; : - Mr. W. Hancock, oli tlic head oflico' management of the Union Company, returned to Wellington yesterday from, a visit to Eotonia aud New Plymouth. Mr. G. Ponlington, who has bcea architect to the Canterbury Edueatioii Board for 32 years, has retired, .and: has been granted three months' leara of absence on full salary. '. Among the guests at the Empire Hotel are Messrs. S. E. Harrop (Mastertonj, M. Constable, L. E. Branscii (Napier), G. King (Invorcargill), and- W. G. A. Walker (Hastings). •. . , ; Guests at the Hotel St. ■-George-in* elude Messrs. G. Mayling, B. W. Midgley, W. Greig (Christchureh), A. C. Sutherland (Duncdin), G. Forth (Brisbane), T. Clark, J. A. Gentles, H. Luke, C. C. Bach, and H. M'Glashlan (Auckland). Mr. H. E. Vailc, chairman' of the1 Council of the Auckland Institute and Museum, for the past five years, has decided not to seek re-election to that office. . Visitors staying at the. Grand' Hotel are Miss M. M. Devereux, Professor H. Belshaw (Auckland), Messrs.. W. H. Yock (Auckland); E. M. Adams, W. M. Shand (Chistchureh), J. Prengrave, J. M. Samson, J. Allan (Dunedin), E. Leitch (Timaru), J. Maudonald (Invercargill), J. L. H. Thornell (Sydney), Mr. and Miss Lamb (Hawera). . Mrs. A. Luttrcll (Ohristchurch),-Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Johnston (Dunedin)i Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Aiken (Wellington), Miss E. Ashwood (Sydney), and Messrs. J. Ball (Hunterville) and E. Hutten (Auckland) are staying at the- Royal Oak Hotel. * ..-•■■■• Mr. J. G. Poison has been appointed principal of the Teachers'? Training College, to replace Mri J. E. Purchase, who has resigned. Mr. Polsou started in the profession as a pupil teacher in. 1895 at Spreydon. He- was' later ::a student at the Normal School, an,d was an assistant at Addington. ..-. Before being appointed as vice-principal of the Teachers' Training College in 191», he had teen, in, charge at Spotswood, Waiau, Marshland, and Belfast.:? Mr. .JP. J. Hanron, manager of tb» Wellington branch of the Vacuum Oil Company Pty., Ltd., for the past two years, has been promoted to the position of assistant general manager in. Queensland, and will leave to take■' up his new duties on 2nd June; ' ' Mr, G. Hartshorn, who has been manager of the Christchureh branch of the company; for several years, will succeed' -Mr. Hanron, and. Mr. S. Hams, manager of the Towneville, Queensland, branch, will take Mx\ Hartshorn's place- at Christchureh. . . ■ Dr. W. P. Evans, . who . has beea' awarded the Hector medal.for investigation in chemical science,, was professor of chemistry at Canterbury College until his retirement in. 1922. He was educated at Nelson College, and matriculated at Canterbury College in '1881* He was a senior University scholar,graduated B.A. in 1884 and M.A. in. 1885, with first-class honours in mathematics and mathematical physics. He took his Ph.D. degree at Giessen, and -was an. assistant master at Christ's College 1592-1902, while in .1901 he was lecturer in physics at Canterbury College. In 1903 he was appointed professor of chemistry and physics, in. succession to Professor Bickerton, and from 1906 occupied the chair of chemistry alone. Since his retirement he;h3« lived, in "Wellington. ••-.-..■
Evening Post, Volume CXI, Issue 121, 25 May 1931, Page 11
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