VICE-REGAL VISIT ENDS TOUR OF INSPECTIONS (From Our Own Correspondent.) ' . NELSON, 19th December. ■ Their Excellencies the GovernorGeneral and Lady Bledisloe returned to Wellington to-night after a four days' visit to Nelson and district. Yesterday afternoon Their Excellencies, after inspecting a tomato garden near the city, as the guests of the Cawthron Institute, visited places of interest on the-way to, Motueka. 10xperiinental grass plots at Richmond were visited, also the new experimental orchard on the Stewart estate, Redwood's Valley. The Vice-Regal party went ou to Takaka, where they inspected marble quarries and the cement works at Tarakohe. Mr. J. H. Parker, Nelson manager of the New Zealand Fruitgrowers' Federation, Ltd., this morning gave a denial to the statement made in Christchurch by Mr. Gray Wilkinson that the apple crop, in Nelson this, year is likely to be a particularly light one. "The Nelson crop this season is estimated to bo as heavy as last year," said Mr. Parker. "A similar amount of shipping space to last y-ear has been booked for this season,' aiid growers' estimates now to hand show practically the same quantities as at this time last year. This year the Cox Orange- crop shows a considerable increase over last seasons—of at least 50 per cent. Sturmers are as heavy as ever, but it is probable that Dunns will show a alight falling off." . The federation representative pointed out that it was practically useless for people unskilled in fruit handling coming to the district in hopes of getting employment. However, there is plenty of work for skilled packers. Local growers refute Mr. Wilkinson's statement concerning the low wages paid to boy and girls. The usual rate for packers and graders is Is an hour, and as many of those who go into the orchards for the picking season have only just left school, it is contended that they are being exceedingly well paid. One grower, commenting on the ' statement in Iho "Times," said he would like tu ask Mr. Wilkinson to mention another occupation in which boys and girls from 15 years on can earn 8s a day on their first job. On Boxing Day 22 Nelson Iron Duke Sea Scouts will, leave Nelson for Wellington, where they will bo the guests of the Collingwood Troop at a camp on Plimmerton beach. The Nelson boys will be in charge of Mr. Em. Berry. For two years the Collingwoods have been the guests of the Iron Dukes. The Minister of Education (the Hon. H. Atmore) presented the prizes at the Richmond School last evening and opened a new school at Dovedalo to* day. The Minister returned to Wellington by to-night's boat. The primary schools in the Nelson district broke up for the summer vacation yesterday. The final raco for the Trial Pours.-. Cup was rowed between Nelson Club crows stroked by B. M'Konzio and J. Dyce. M'Kcnzie won over the mile course by two lengths. The crews were: M'Kcnzie (s), A. Fuller, W. Kiekotts, 0. Oughton, and Marshall (cox); J. Dyce (s)j G, Holbrook, ¥. Pronsc, A. Bell, ?md Johnson (eox\
Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 148, 20 December 1930, Page 10
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