(By Telegraph.)
(Special to "The Evening Post.")
The last shots in the Invercargill liy-eleetioii campaign wore fired last night, when both candidates held most successful final, rallies.
The Eeform candidate (Mr. J. Hargest) addressed an audience exceeding 2000 in the Town Hall, and in one of the chief picture theatres the United candidate, Mr. Vincent Ward, addrossed a bumper crowd..
With only two candidates in the field the electors aro given an opportunity of recording definitely a vote of confidence or otherwise in the present Administration. Certain aspects concerning the record of the electorate and the individuals contesting the seat must be taken into consideration.
For over 30 years Invercargili has returned Liberal candidates, and it is regarded as one of the greatest Liberal strongholds in the country. The major ity, however, has not always bee"l great, and the voto has fluctuated fairly eon siderably at successive elections. At the last election the electors of Invercargill gave the late Sir Joseph Ward a majority of 3178. This was when he had accepted the leadership of the United Party. At the previous election in 1925, Sir Joseph, who stood as the only Liberal in the country, gained a victory over Mr. Hargest, the present Reform candidate by only 159 votes, tho Labour candidate polling only 811. In 1912 tbe Hon. J. A. Hanan gained almost 1000 majority over Befonn.
In to-day's poll much will depend on the Labour vote. A proportion of the Labour movement will support the United candidate in preference to Reform, but it is known that certain Labour organisations prefer Mr. Hargest to Mr. Ward. In this event the issue will rest on the respective strength of the two parties represented in the contest.
The keen interest shown by all sections indicates that polling will be unusually heavy for a by-election. From an early hour this morning a steady stream of electors proceeded to the booths. The weather is bright and fine. The result should be available about eight o'clock.
The result of the by-election will be shown on the "Evening Post" window to-night.
Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 38, 13 August 1930, Page 13
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