(By Telegraph.) (Special to "The Evening Post.") INVEBCABGILL, This Day. The candidates in the Invereargill byelection addressed good meetings ■ on Saturday night, but tho Keform candidate, Mr. G. Hargest, was heckled fairly persistently. He dealt effectively with hisintcrjeetors, however, and his excellent address in difficult circumstances is expected to win him more supporters.
Mr. Ward's meetings by comparison have been quiet.
Although public opinion on the issue before the electors is now more crystallised, it is quite impossible to attempt to forecast tho result. Both camps consider that they have every, reason to bo confident, and' without a doubt tho polling will be very close. Mr. Vincent Ward naturally commands a great amount of support from the electors who have proved so loyal, to the Liberal cause over the last thirty years, but it is.claimed that he was not the unanimous choice of the local supporters of the .Government, and not a few have expressed disappointment that Mr. William Hinehey was not given an opportunity. , ...
There is evidence that many adherents of Mr. Ward's father are not prepared to repose the same confidence in the son merely on account of the: attributes which Sir Joseph Ward undoubtedly possessed, and many , former Liberal stalwarts are openly, supporting tho Bcform candidate. On this.account the local Keform supporters are optimistic. Mr. Hargest's selection was a popular one, and he must be regarded as a strong candidate.
Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 36, 11 August 1930, Page 10
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