MR. H. W.. URU
The death occurred. suddenly at the Wellington Hospital at 4.30 p.m. yesterday of Mr. H. W. Uru, late M.P. for the Southern'" Maori district, and a brother of the late Mr. J. H. W. Uru, a former representative of the same Native constituency. Mr. Uru was seen in the street yesterday morning after visiting the Parliament Buildings, and ho was subsequently taken to the hospital by ambulance after suffering a seizure at his home. Ho died half an hour after admission to the hospital.
The late Mr. Uru, who lived with his wife in Wellington, was born at Tuahiwi, Kaiapoi, in' 1872j a son of Hoani Uru, a descendant of Tv Ahuriri, of the N'Tu Ahuriri tribe. He received his education at Tuahiwi arid at the Rangi-
ora High School, and was well-known as an athlete—cyclist, wrestler, and footballer—between 1889 and- 1895. He practised as an agent for twenty-five years,; and was elected to the House of 'Representatives in 1922, being returned again in 1925. He was defeated at the recent General Election by Mr. T. ,Makitanara after a very close contest. While in the House; Mr. Uru was a consistent supporter of the Reform Party, and on .the rare occasions when he spoke on matters affecting the interests of the Natives he commanded careful attention from all benches. He visited Australia in 1900 as one of the South Island delegates on the opening of tho Federal Parliament, and he was also present at the Commonwealth celebrations in 1901. In connection with military matters, he served with tho Eangiora infantry and the North Canterbury Mounted Rifles. He was also a member of the Maahunui Maori Council, and the Board of Maori Ethnological Research. Mr. Uru is survived by his wife, who is a daughter of Mr. T., B. Rogers, of Albury, New South Wales, two sons and a daughter.
The body will be taken South to-night for interment at Tuahiwi on Sunday.
Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 55, 8 March 1929, Page 10
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