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AMENDED FIGURES COMPLETE RETURNS With tho receipt yesterday afternoon of the amended returns for the Northern Maori seat, the complete figures of the polling at the General Election are:— Auckland Central. W. E. Parry (L.) 5765 XV. C. Howitt (U.) 27'" F. J. Lysnar (R.) S2S J. Joiner (I.) 2811 Informal —' J Majority for Parry 3024 Auckland East. J. B. Donald (XJ.) 4254 J. A. Lee (L.) -1217 Mrs. C. E. Maguiro (R.) 22/4 Informal --0 Majority for Donald 37 Auckland .Suburbs. H. G-. R. Mason (L.) 4357 Sir James Gunson (R.) 3259 E. R. Allen (U.) 2191 luformal 85 Majority for Mason 1098 Auckland WestM. J. Savage (L.) 5361 JR. B. Spcirs (U.) 4020 F. Adeane (R.) 2021 Informal 97 Majority for Savago 1341 Avon.' B.G.Sullivan (L.) 6376 G. T. Baker (U.) 2531 F. B. Hughes (R.) 2387 Informal 82 Majority for Sullivan 3545 'AWARUA. • P. A. de la Ferelle (U.) 4358 J. R. Hamilton (R.) 3353 XV. M. C. Denham (L.) 262 Informal 7- ' Majority for do la Perelle .. 1005 Bay of Islands. *. A. Bell (R.) -..' 3840 H. M. Rushworth (O.) 3839 E. E. Hornblow (Lib.-Lab.) .... 351 Informal - > 58 Majority for Bell 1 Bay of Plenty. Hon. K. S. Williams (R.) 4463 A. F. Moncur (L.) 2596 Informal ' 93 Majority for XVilliams .... 1567 'Buller. •' / H. E. Holland (L.) 5988 J>. M. Robertson (R.) 2371 Informal .:...... 155 Majority for Holland 3617 Central Otago.' W. A. Bodkin (U.) 4684 J. Ritchie.(R.) 4031 Informal 55 Majority, for Bodkin 653 Chalmers. • A. E. Ansell (R.) 3357 N. H. Campbell (L.) .......... 2738 J. P. Walls (U.) 1965 A. M'Lachlan (1.R.) 50 Informal' 75 Majority for Ansell 619 Christehurch East. • H. T. Armstrong (L.) 6564 J>. F. Dennehy (U.) 4304 Informal 4SS Majority for Armstrong .. 2260 Clxrißtcliurch North.' H. Holland (R.) 5493 E. H. Andrews (U.) 3601 Rev. J. K. Archer (L.) 3572 Informal 125 Majority for Holland 1892 Christehurch South. • E. J. Howard (L.) 5171 C. S. M'Cully (U.) 4738 W. H. Manhirc (R.) 1374 Informal. 73 t Majority for Howard 433 Clntha. • 3?. Waite (R.) 4318 3. r Stephens (I.) 3795 Informal 62 Majority for Waite 523 Dunedin Central. • Hon. Sir Charles Statham (1.).. 6022 J.Robinson (L.) 4251 Informal 117 Majority for Statham 1771 Dunedin North. • S. W. Mnnro (L.) 4352 H. L. Tapley (R.) 3121 G. R. Smith (U.) 2638 15. S. Thomson (I. Lib.-Lab.) .. 523 Informal 81 Majority for Munro 1231 Dunedin South, * !W. B. Taverner (U.) 4462 ft. W. Hall (L.) ...._,.,..._,.. 4429 C. Toda (R.) 2205 Informal 115 Majority for Taverner 33 Dunedin West. • Hon. W. D. Stewart (R.) .... 4600 C. M. Moss (U.) 3323 K. Harrison (L.) .., 2480 Informal 113 Majority for Stewart 1277 Eden,' A. J. Stallworthy (U.) 5943 y. H. Potter (R.) 3517 W. T. Anderton (L.) 2241 p. E. Burton (Chris.-Soc.) 200 Informal 131 Majority for Stallworthy .. 2420 Egmont. • C. A. Wilkinson (I.) 4577 Eon. A. J. Hawken (R.) 4291 Informal 55 Majority for Wilkinson/.... 1286 Franklin. '"' J. N. Massey (R.) 4025 H. O. Mellsop (C.) 3891 Informal 51 Majority for Massey 134 Gisborne,. W. D. Lysnar (1.R.) 3746 D. XV. Coleman (L.) 3400 XV. L. Clayton (U.) .2635 Informal 68 Majority for Lysnar 346 . Grey Lynn. - J. S. Fletcher (U.) 5489 F. N. Bar tram (L.) 5425 P. B. Fitzherbnrt (It.) 084 Mrs. L. Paterson. (I.) 72 Informal — Majority for Fletcher 64 Hamilton. * Hon. J. A. Young (R.) 4529 S. C. G. Lye (Lib.-Lab.) 3456 F. XV. Schramm (L.) 2123 Informal 128 Majority for Young 1073 Hauraki. • A. W. Hall (R.) 3826 Ebenezcr Allan (U.) 2935 C. R. Petrio (L.) 2411 Informal 54 Majority for Hall 891
Hawkos Bay. * H. M. Campbell (R.) 300,1 J. W.Lyon (L.) 3263 G. M'Kay (U.) 2992 Informal 92 Majority for Campbell 690 Humnui. * O. W. Forbes (U.) 5.44 L. It. C. Mncfarlano (K.) 3505 P. L. Turlcy (1.L.) 570 Informal 108 Majority for ..Forbes 1839 Hutt. ' T. M. Wilford (U.) 7283 XV. Nash (L.) 5978 Informal. 28S Majority for Wilford 1305 Invercargill. • Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph Ward (U.) 7309 S. M. Macalister (1.R.) -1131 Informal SS Majority for Ward ........ 3178 Kaiapoi. • R. W. Hawkc (U.) 3216 J. A. Flcshor (R.) 3120 Mrs. E. R. M'Combs (L.) 2980 Informal S7 Majority for Hawke 96 Kaipara. Right Hon. J. G. Coates (R.)... 5190 J. G. Barclay (L.) 2715 Informal 11l Majority for Coates 2475 Lyttelton.' J. M'Combs (L.) 5022 J. XV. Bcauland (R.) 3036 XV. T. Lester (U.) 2734 Informal — Majority for M'Combs .... 1956 Manawatu. ' J. Linklater (R.) 3401 P. J. Small (U.) 1935 J. H. Taylor (L.) 1634 H. T. D. M'Manaway (1.R.) 757 Informal 70 Majority for Linklater .... 1466 Manukau. * W. J. Jordan (L.) 6567 W. T. F. Kclls-Mason (U.) .... 2908 B. Bunn (R.) ...." 2057 Informal S9 Majority for Jordan 3659 Marsden. • A. J. Murdoch (U.) 3925 W. Jones' (R.) 3475 W. H. Chetham (L.) 1299 A. H. Curtis (Ii) 198 t Informal — Majority for Murdoch .... 450 Masterton. « G. R. Sykcs (R.) 4207 XV. Thompson (U.) 2969 B. Roberts (L.) 1477 Informal 72 Majority for Sykes 123S Mataura. • D. M'Dougall (U.) 4173 Hon. G. J. Anderson (R.) 4111 Informal 48 Majority for M'Dougall .... 62 Mid-Canterbury. • D. Jones (R.) 4137 J. Connolly (U.) 4082 C. M. Williams (L.) .. _ 905 R. XV. XVightman (I.) 242 Informal 52 Majority for Jones 55 Motucka. ' G. C. Black (U.) 3895 ■ JR. P. Hudson (R.) 3482 Informal 52 Majority for Black ...... 413 Napier. • W. E. Barnard (L.) 6370 J. Mason (R.) 4952 Informal Majority for Barnard .... 418 Nelson. * H. Atmore (I.) ' ..... 5003 F. XV. O. Smith (R.) 3294 Informal 135 Majority for Atmore 2309 New Plymouth. S. G. Smith (U.) 5577 C. E. Bellringer (R.) 4110 XV. G. Simpson (L.) 1293 Informal 68 Majority for Smith 1467 Oamaru. . J. A. Macpherson (U.) ........ 5016 E. P. Lee (R.) 4079 Informal §3 Majority for Macpherson ... ' 337 Oroua. • J. a. Cobbc (U.) 4 4 u J. G. Eliott (R.) 3679 Informal ;. 70 Majority for Cobbc 732 Otaki. . W. H. Field (R.) .. . • 3407 A. B. Sievwrighfc (U.) 2594 H. Dyson (L.) uCj J. Purchase (1.L.) '249 Informal _06 Majority for Field 813 Pahiatua. • E. A. Ransom (U.) ..v.... 4369 G. H. Smith (R.) '/._'. 3447 J. Whittle (L.) 335 Informal _4 ■ Majority for Ransom 922 Palmerston.' J. A. Nash (R.) 5558 XV. Bromley (L.) 3208 C. A. Loughnan (U.) 2484 Informal 290 Majority for Nash ......... 2350 Parnell. " H. R. Jenkins (U.) 5042 J. S. Dickson (R.) 4793 J. XV. Yarnall (L.) 1061 Informal ....; 33 Majority for Jenkins 549 Patea. * H. G. Dickie (R.) 4511 J. D. Hislop (U.) 4329 Informal 90 Majority for Dickie 182 Raglan. « W. L. Martin t(L.) 4205 XV. Seavill (R.) 3105 XV. Brown (LB.) 216 Informal 112 Majority for Martin .- 1040 Raugitikei. < J. T. Hogan (I.) 4628 XV. S. Glenn (R.)' 3394 E. F. Andrews (L.) 884 Informal 67 Majority for' Hogan 1234 Riccarton. » "H. S. S. Kyle (R.) 4515 A. A. M'Lachlan (U.) ........ '4470 G. If. Thompson (L.) ........ 1671 Informal 88 Majority for Kyle 45 Roskill. • . G. C. Munns (U.) 5745 A. S. Richards (L.) 3401 Miss E. Melville (R.) 3345 Informal .'... 77 Majority for Munns ...... 2344 ' Rotorua. < C. H. Clinkard (U.) 3617 F. F. Hockly (R.) 3417. A. G. Christopher (1.L.) 659 S. H. Judd (C.) 624 Informal 125 Majority for Clinkard .... 200
Stratford. XV. J. Poison (I.) .... 4592 X Wnltor (If.) .0)0 .In Co rum I 07 Majority for Poison , 982 Tn-uriuign. . C. Bi Macmillan (U.) MHli I). (.'. (Jit til mora (I/.) 21107 F. Cnlhwlc (0.) IVti.S informal 102 Majority for M.'iomillni 078 Teinnka. * , T. D. Burnett (JB.) ............ <l.10f) T. U^LangCoi'd (U.) .1271 .Informal 32 Miljovity for lUirnelf, 80 Thames." A. M. Samuol (R.) ..4202 J. S. Montgomorlo <L.) -900 K. M'Gregor (U.) _..". 17 Tn formal SO Majority for Samuel 1302 Timaru. » Rev. C. Carr (L.) 6547 Hon. F. J. Rolleston (R.) 5080 Informal — Majority for Carr 407 Waikato. . T. Lye (U.) 2979 1). S. Held (I?,) 289.1 I. Koegan (C.) 1897 Informal 70 Majority for Lye 80 Waimarino. < F. Langstonc (L.) 3260 R. W. Smith (L Lib.) 2G35 ,T. Goorgctti (I.) 1500 Informal : 43 Majority for Langstonc .... 625 Waipawa. * Sir George Hunter (K.) 3983 E. A. Goodger (LU.) 2123 D. B. Dent (U.) 1302 Informal 77 Majority for Hunter 1800 Wairarapa. - T. W. Macdonald (U.) 4726 Hon. A. D. M'Leod (R.) 4100 Informal 117 Majority for Macdonald .. 560 Wairau, ' E. F. Healy (U.) 4759 W. J. Girling (R.) 4407 Informal 70 Majority for Healy ........ 292 XValtaki. • J. Bitcliener (R.) 4536 F. ]?, Cooke (L.) ■. 3334 Informal 241 Majortiw for Bitchcner .... 1202 Waitemata. * A. Harris (1.R.) 4683 R. H. Greville (U.) 4368 A. G. Osborne (L.) 2485 Informal 72 Majority for Harris ...... 315 Waitoino. W. J. Broadfoot (U.) 3797 J. C. Rolleston (R.) 3265 |C. Croall (L.) 688 Informal 52 Majority for Broadfoot ... 532 Wallace. ' A. Hamilton (R.) 4359 W. E. Taylor (U.) 4340 G. T. Pulley (Lib.) 139 Informal 87 Majority for Hamilton .... 19 Wanganui. ' W. A. Voitch (U.) 4979 W. J. Rogers (L.) 2842 N. J. Lewis (R.) 2650 Informal 78 Majority for Veitch .• 2.137 Wellington Central. - P. Fraser (L.) 735.3 A. D. Sloano. (K.) 3895 Mrs. M. Young (1.L.) 843 Informal '. 261 Majority for Fraser 3458 | Wellington East. • R. Semplo (L.) 5527 T. Forsyth (R.) 4561 J. X. Clark (1.R.) 2645 Informal 128 ' Majority for Semple 966 Wellington North. ' C. H. Chapman (L.) 5609 Sir John Luke (R.) 5563 Informal 263 Majority for Chapman .... 4G Wellington South. . R. M'Kcen (L.) 5984 !M. M. F. Lttckie (JR.) 3031 |J. Burns (U.) 2595 | Informal' 132 Majority for M'Kcen 2953 Wellington Suburbs, / Hon. R. A. Wright (R.) 5748 T. Brindio (L.) 3763 K. M'Lennan (U.) 3260 Informal , 160 Majority for Wright .... 1985 Westland.« J. O 'Brion 4576 T. E. Y. Seddon .391 Informal go Majority for O'Brien .... 185 Northern Maori. * T. Henare (R.) ... 2531 P. Paikea (Ra.) 1051 H. K. XVaianu (T.XV.) • 467 T. Maika (U.) 245 H. Heke (1.R.) 225 R. W. Hongi (T S XV.) 192 L. W. Paroro (I.) 9 Informal o Majority for Henare BSO Western Maori. * Hon. Sir Maui Pwnaro (R.) 4674 H. T. Rntana (Ra.) 3077 Majority for Pomaro 1597 Eastern Maori. • Sir Apirana Ngata (U.) 4950 P. T. Moko (L) 1846 T. P. Stewart (L.) 254 Informal n Majority for Ngata 3104 Southern Maori. T. Makitanara (U.) 199 E. T.-Tirikatono (Ra.) 19s H. :V. Urn (R.) 163 J. C. T.-Tikao (1.R.) 107 P. H. Macdonald (L.) ........ 79 W. T. Pitama (I.) 42 T. M. Erihana (—) 33 Majority for Makitanara .. 1
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Evening Post, Volume CVI, Issue 121, 27 November 1928, Page 14
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1,746GENERAL ELECTION Evening Post, Volume CVI, Issue 121, 27 November 1928, Page 14
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GENERAL ELECTION Evening Post, Volume CVI, Issue 121, 27 November 1928, Page 14
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