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,: The annual report of- the Wellington Bowling. Centre, presented at, a meeting on the. 21st pros., - states that the number of: affiliated clubs is' now 18, the membership of which-:is 1484,: as against last season 1472.- The number of clubs is one less;, the Te Hiwi Club having gone out,o£ existence. The To.Hiwi Club: presented the centre with a very handsome silver, cup,- which , will be awarded each year to tho winner of the champion of champion singles.■:■■
•:.'' "It will be noted," states the report, "tliat the total membership of the centre ■has shown, an increase during the past season; but tho advance made during recent years, has not ; been -.very substantial—s3 in three years. -It will also be observed that only nine Clubs entered for the Junior 1 Penants. Certainly the membership lists of. some of tlje clubs are at the lmixiinum, arid lieglniiers • can only be accommodated in the suburban clubs. r. The executive, however,' consider that it is desirable 'for-'all: club's 1 to .encourage the beginner and to assist, him' in^ the early stages of his bowling life. ■"The past' season- was::ail important and successful one, with the exception that it was ■not.-, possible,l on account of unfavourable weathqr,; to complete' : the centre -tournament, i - ■::.-'■.:'
■; Almost .important annual fixture has been made with the Christcliurcli. Centre; ;, This has been'brought 'into" effect by the! donation of. a ■-•unique and' handsome-;- trophy,; a-.''Tiki", given for . Mr. S M. Barnett, of Christchurch. . .The.' conditions are that the matches shall be; played 'alternately' in Wellington .'.and in ..Christehiirch, and that they shall be competitive incharactor, the trophy.being. held by tlio winning centre...for, the:year.\ The Christ--church .-■ Centra /made - the -first visit in February, and.; ;were successful in winning-: the first;match; ..The ."Tiki" was, however, on this occasion 'left in..Wellington, and is hunjr. in the .Wellington Bowling -Club's pavilion, where' it will repose if in the future it is ; won by the Wellington Centre. The executive looks forward to- many happy competitions ifov this trbpliy,. and passed; a"very hearty vote, of thanks .to 'the donor,, and expressed;, itf appreciation-of ithe spirit.,. which prompted him to inaiigurato lli'o matches. The; incoming committee will require to devisosomemetliod'for the selection of teams to represent the. centre in this ? im-' portant, fixture.: ■'-. V ', '.. .■. v
iThe. newly-formed 3larlborough .; Cen" tre sent, almost cordial and pressing invitation, :and. a party; of. players under the auspices 'of'the centre visited Pic-' ton and Blenheim 'towards the end of: February: Two matches were played at Picton.and one each on the .Rivcrsdale and' Blenheim greens. The games were 1 .all of 'an interesting character, and were much enjoyed hy -those who took part in: them...' The . Marlborough Ceiitre did • everything possible to make the visit - a pleasant one, and, besides tho usual! smoke concert, arranged an exceedingly enjoyable all-day trip 'in; Queen .Charlotte :Sound. .The:greens were satisfac- : . tory, the Blenheim one being particularly good, tho 'weather on the '■ wholo was. fine, the party: were always,-without exception, agreeable and genial, all. of which factors, marked the trip as'.tW most; successful 'of the: centre's ventures in this direction. .'; ■ '■' '•- :: ■■"■■■■-:''.;.': ■■'iSPiNANCE.,;■■■■/■ ,! v. : 'The demands on the Centre's funds have not been excessive, and the income ; lias. ■ exceeded the revenue. The whole of- the expenses -in • connection..' with Veterans' Gala Day were;; borne.. by:: the centre, but other fixtures, were, self-sup-porting..- The balance to credit at the end of the year-was £82: X9s; ;;The re.sponsibilities for,'next season,, however, promise to be more than usual. There is every prospect: of a team'of' bowlers from tho United Kingdom /making . a tour of the Dominion, and bowlers from' . Canada, South. Africa,; - and Australia have also, been invited to be : in..New Zealand :,-it the samo time. All these visits would be most .".welcome,"- and there should,be no difficulty in 1 improving the"-finances o[,.ihe> centre to meet the demands occasioned; thereby if the r necessity;' should arise.: .;
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Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 150, 29 June 1925, Page 6
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654BOWLING Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 150, 29 June 1925, Page 6
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BOWLING Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 150, 29 June 1925, Page 6
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