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STRAIGHT FROM THE SHOULDER K-J> _ is what oounte in it fight. Fucy sparring nuy > be »U right for exhibition, but as we said before STRAIGHT FROM THE SHOULDER counts in a fight. And Business it a fight; so the firm that bite straight from the shoulder wins. . We talk straight and direct. We deal straight and direct. We sell straight and direct. We tell you Paragon Suits are peerless. Straight—;they are Wo deal straight and direct. We know more and owe less, > We sell straight and 'direct. , Cash—yours and ours^-every tim«. That's why we buy and sell better, and the j>roof of our better buying is given you in lower price and : higher quality. ' We sell better because we aro kept busy; our expenses are light, and you knoVir that because of our standardised quality, make (tailor-made), and ouv standardised limit price (£7 15s), you are being dealt - straight with. So make up your mind to come straight to . , THE PARAGON TAILORING CO., ' . 59, Manners-street., " ■'' Up-to-date Suits from Upstairs. •■ ~~ '. SPECIAL. ...„ " "' TAILOR.MADE~SUITS and COSTUMES, for £6 10s.' New' Goods. Own material made up £3 15s. Costumes and Suits Remodelled, Cleaned, and Pressed. THE LAMBTON TAILORS, " 153, Lambton-quay (Two doors from Midland). "' MAKE YOUR OWN CLOTHES';. - J^RESSMAKING Taught by two Experts. Evening and Day Classes. Terms moderate. Apply 453, Evening Post. ■ FUNERAL NOTICE. » FUNERAL Service for- the late Hon.' W. D. H. Baillie, M.L.C., at St. Paul's, Mulgrave-street, at 2 p.m., on Monday, 27th February, 1922, thence to * Karori Cemetery. ~ • ISAAC CLARK AND SON, ■ ■■■■-■■■ -27,' Wingneld-street.;". jgICYCLE „'..__ . BARGAINS. , SPECIAL OFFER. Gent's English Cycle, fitted with 3-speod Coaster hub, newly enamelled; £1015s. B.S.A. Gent's 22in framo new Eadio Coaster and accessories, just enamelled am* plated ; £10 10s. Massey Cycle, few months old, in perfect order, a real snip: £10. ■ Lady's English good strong frame, Coaster hub, good as new; £7 10s. ■ Gent's strong Bicycle, back pedalling . brake, new tires, in good order; £5 10s.' DON'T MISS THESE BARGAINS.-'' CALL AND INSPECT, . H. CORRICK AND CO.!' 47, Courtenay-place. ..'.■.. TO MANUFACTURERS and OTHERS. rpHE Proprietors of the Letters Patent v J- - below mentioned are desirous of eh-. toring into arrangements by' way "of Va License or otherwise, on reasonable terms, for tho purpose of exploiting"the belowmentioned Patentt and ensuring their practical working in New Zealand. All inquiries to be addressed to HENRY; HUGHES, LIMITED, Patent Agents, 157, Featherston-street, Wellington. " N0.30809 of 12th April, 1911—"Improvementr in Steam Superheaters for Locomotive, Marine, and other Boilers." No. 38672 of 31st March, 1916—'Improvements in and Relating to Steam Superheaters of the Multiple Smoke or ;, .Fire-tube Type." .... ".■:;;;: ,„ r ; SURPLUS MILITARY STORES fiIHE Defence Department hai for 6al« -L at the Disposal Depot, Buckle-street, Wellington, the following: — Hair Mattresses, Kapok Mattreme*. JTea- .' thei Pillows, Deck Chain, .Iron Frame Garden Chairs, Fold ing Wooden Chairs, Butcher's Block, Sailmaker's Sewing Machine, Waterproof Sheets,. Garden . Hose,., Iron- Curbs,. Household Fire Shovels, Tin Plates. Depot Opens MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, and FRIDAYS, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.. No Warranty (written or implied) is given. No goods will betaken back, ex- . changed, or sent on approval. Cheques not accepted. WANTED :TO SELL, SPLENDID opportunity -for" business couple, with knowledge of LUNCHEON and TEA ROOM BUSINESS, combined with Tobacco, Confectionery, and Soft Drinks; large turnover; good lease; to take over lease and stock at invoice price; no goodwill. About' £500 or £600 required. Only bonafide. buyers need apply. ' Write 581, Evening Post. WANTED TO SELL, LAUNCH ENGINE, Bosch magneto, reversible propellor, suitable for boat 12ft to 14ft; any trial. ..-.-\ ' ' ' A. B. FITCHETT, D.M.V., Ltd.,,. . , . Garage, Tory-street. PETONE BUSINESS SNIP. C<HOP .and 5 Dwelling Rooms; stable* © and sheds, right-of-way' at b«ck, stock and fittings, as a going concern, lease, rent 27s 6d per week; returns showing £2200 a year ; price reasonable. ,f ,i' : • HODGKINS; CARVER, AND CO., Agency, Petbne. HATAITAI. ~ FOR SALE, new, 5 Rooms, kitchen and washhouse, in. best part' Hatai^ tai, with all conveniences, built from hoart timber and finished up to date. Price £1950; cash £275; possession at once. Write 529, Evg. Post. WANTED TCTSELL, BUNGALOW of six rooms, Lyall Bay, 3 bedrooms, latest appointments, pretty home, immediate possession, minute car, large level section. Particulars 569, Evg. Post. ■ ■ OVERLOOKING HARBOUR. .: . ]7*OR SALE, finest Section in Arine-st:, - Highland Park, 80ft frontage, iaore, levelled for building, with about 20,000 bricks thereon; cheap.—T. C. Ward, Box 281. I ' ' FOR SALE, A HOME. .:■■•.■:■ v BEST part Mt. Victoria, 6 Rooms, on one floor, with bathroom, pantry, scullery, and a!l conveniences, poseeasion at once. Apply 122, Austin-st. YACHT. WANTED to Sell, Yacht Seabird, n<3W. sails, dinghy, moorings, etc., olec-' trie light, or would sell half-share. Writ* 532, Evg. Poet; - - ; ;- -■: ■.--■■■ ,■■■; -" WADESTOWN. Pr-ROOMED House, c.1., gas stove, range, ** minute car, flower and vegetable garden. ■ Quick sale, £970; £400 deposit. Write 495, Evg. Post. ■■•-■■ ■'■■ - NORTHLAND—£3OO, DEPOSIT. BUNGALOW Residence, .5 room*, h. and c. water, gas arid c.1.. casement windows; largo ; £1200. Possession next week. For full details and inspection, write 367, Evg. Post. KARORI HOMESTEAD. SALE (or exchange), House, 5 rooms, conveniences, .outbuildings, 5 acre* land, cow, poultry farm; :£IBSO. ' Ex\ change small Dairy. Farm handy Wellington. Equity arranged. Ashton Agencies, Ltd., Cooper's Building. LIZABETH design, ' modern Reai-' dence of 6 rooms, just completed, replete, every modern labour-saving" ap-' plianco, including sleeping porch, folding doors, tiled fireplaces, hot.point, etc.,. excellent view; a business gentlemahjs home, and .only .five minutes'..walk, from . centre of city. Prico only £2500; terms arranged. Key, Buxton Co., 256, Lamb-ton-quay. "|j\Oß SALE, cheap, fint-claei ■ Rimu X 1.1 Counter. 6, BiatouUt., Newtown.

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Evening Post, Volume CIII, Issue 47, 25 February 1922, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 9 Evening Post, Volume CIII, Issue 47, 25 February 1922, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 9 Evening Post, Volume CIII, Issue 47, 25 February 1922, Page 3