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The First Sprinkling of Spring Dress Fabrics is Here. "Charming, indeed!" This and similar spontaneous expressions of appreciation are frequently heard at the D.I.C. Dress Counters. The new fabrics are exceptionally smart, and the weaves are ingeniously devised. Early orders for Summer Frocks are now being taken by Miss Scott and Miss Begg. iJ— " "qTJ Have you dcc ' ded y fit? " not> possibly the suggestions below will prove helpful. II I W There are WOOL OTTOMAN CLOTHS— 42 inches 111 HO wide ; in grey, vieux rose, saxe, electric, and M m^F] nattier , At 2/e per yard lT>^ 44-i nc h MOHAIRS — For Smart Frocks and Dust Coats ; in all dainty shades 3/6 per yard SILK and WOOL SAN-TOY— 44 inches wide ; in mmmmmmmammmmmam mmm S^Y > saxe, vieux rose, and fawn 4/11 per yard """""" " "™" mmmm ' ' COLOURED VELOUR— The newest fabric for Spring" and Summer wear ; in grey, fawn, saxe, electric, and navy 3/6 per yard SMART ROBES— In Bamboo Stripe Voiles ; champagne, brown, saxe, and grey 21/' the robe length BENGALINE MARQUISETTE ROBES^-A silky finished fabric ; in all the newest shades 49/6 the robe length COLOURED SILK VOILE ROBES— For smart,, dressy frocks 45/- the robe' length NATURAL TUSSORE SILKS— 33*34 inches wide 1/11, 2/11, 3/6, 3/11, 4/11, and 6/11 COLOURED SHANTUNG SILKS— 34 in. wide ; in the newest colourings - 4/6 ROBE LENGTHS— In the choicest Shot Taffeta Silks ; most fashionable for the coming- season S2/6 the robe length Win. Simm I#*I a lj« Manager

Charming NEEDLEWORK at PRINGLE'S Where you get the maximum of effect with the minimum of labour. Beautiful design* on Art Poplin (commenced, and with silks to finish), in CUSHIONS, TEA COSIES, TABLE CENTRES, HANDKERCHIEF SACHETS, etc. Great variety of both floral and conventional designs to choose from. LOOK IN THE NEEDLEWORK WINDOW! PRINGU& 5, LtCl. for Presents" LAMBTON QUAY Tremendous I Shipments : I J arriving shortly at H"""" "" wmmmm Te Tiro House I T More space Is needed for incoming fashions, and H y^. this week SWEEPING CLEARANCES will be I II made in the Showroom. H \J The lines below should convince you that we H f or mean business. Out they have got to got HB MANTLB DBPT. • Balance of MAIDS' COATS— In all sizes Were 12/6 to 25/- Make-room Price 5/H £»laii(£ of Ladies' CLOTH and TWEED COR TfiMES ' Were 42/- to 105/Make>room Price 10/0, 21/*, 3tf/, Balance of Ladies' CLOTH and TWEED COATS— Were 29/6 to 69/6 Make*room Prices 3/11, 5/11, 6/11, 7/u Ladies' FLANNELETTE UNDERCLOTHING— See Table in Department at Half-price TE ARO HOUSE "THE BUSY CORNER," CUBA AND DIXON STS. :: WELLINGTON COUNTRY CUSTOMERS ! ! Tak adraalap »f tins exceptional offer.

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Bibliographic details

Evening Post, Volume LXXXIV, Issue 38, 13 August 1912, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXXIV, Issue 38, 13 August 1912, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXXIV, Issue 38, 13 August 1912, Page 9