SIB WILLIAM RUSSELL'S CHANCES IMPROVING. [By Telegbaph. — Special to The Post.] NAPIER, This Day.' The political situation has developed very considerably during tho past week in the Waipawa electorate. It has seen the entry of an Opposition candidate into the arena in the person of Mr. George Hunter, who has twice previously opposed Mi-. Hall without success. Mr. Hunter has already started on an energetic campaign, but I am afraid he has entered upon an almost hopeless task. HAWKES BAY. In the Hawkes Bay electorate the event of the week has been the reappearance of Sir William Russll from his political retirement. He is conducting his campaign with all tho energy and enthusiasm of a budding politician, and is winning supporters every day, possessing, as he does, a big advantage over his opponents on the platform. With thirty-three years' experience of political warfare Sir William 1 will put up a big fight, and many who were inclined to belittle his chances* on the Second Ballot now go so far as to say it wiJl be a close thing. A BIG MEETING. Coming still nearer home Mr. A. L. D. Fraser set the ball rolling on Friday /light, when he addressed one of the largest political meetings ever held in the town, and it was a good humoured audience. What few interjections there were the speaker invariably turned to account. For instance : Mr. Fraser, in working up to his peroration, said : "In going up and down the country I mcct — " Quick aa a Hash, from a member oi the audience cam© tho interjection — "Meikle." The house roared, but when the laughter had subsided Mr. Fraser retorted : "Yes, and I am proud > of the part 1 took in regard to that individual. The
jomimon was saved the sum of £5000 everybody should feel proud of the etion of those who were responsible." , MORE ANON. The speech itself was merely a review of the work of the past nine years, but Mr. Fraser promised thai we should hear from him again. ANOTHER LIBERAL. Mr. J. V. Brown, the other candidate, also on the Liberal ticket, will fire his first shot in public next Friday.
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Evening Post, Volume LXXVI, Issue 107, 2 November 1908, Page 2
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Evening Post, Volume LXXVI, Issue 107, 2 November 1908, Page 2
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