A company has been formed in Wellington to work deposits of limestone and clay on the Meadowbank estate, near Blenheim. The title of the company is the Wellington Cement, Lime, and Coal Company. The capital is £25,000 in 25,000 shares of £1 oaoh, of which 3500 (fully paid up) aro allotted to the vendors, 10,000 reserved for future issue, and 11,500 are being offered to the public. The provisional directors axe Messrs. J. F. Orr, James Lockie, Christopher Smith, George Winder, . Thos. Bush, W. H. Bennett, John Rod, and Captain Eckford. Mr. E. M. Boulton is the interim secretary, and Messrs. A. Meliss Stuart and J. B. Finlay have been appointed brokers to tho company. Superior limestone is said to exist on the property in considerable quantities, and the promoters are confident that they can manufacture high-grade cement at a price which will leave a substantial profit. It is also proposed to start the manufacture of lime, for which there would be a market in Marlborough as well as in Wellington and elsewhere. Coal is stated to have been found on the property, and it ia mentioned there is a probability of phosphate of lime being also discovered. Mr. John Kelly, who was connected with the Milburn Lime and Cement Company, is to be manager of the works, and he estimates that with an up-to-date plant, \ cost about £8000, ho will bo able to t n out about 20 tonp of cement daily. Samples of cement which he made by hand have been favourably reported upon by experts. ■ i In future the Wellington P 'epayers' Association will meet only once a month. The co' "erence in connection with the New Zealand examination for the Rhodes scholarships will be held in the Colonial Museum Library ab 10.30 a.m. on Friday. While engaged in blasting operations at Kaiwarra yesterday, Robert Ruffle, a young man, was severely injured aboul the face and aims t>y a premature explosion of dynamite. Ho was taken to the liosital, and was this aftunoop leported to be progressing very satisfactorily. For influenza and cold in the head take Woods' Groat Peppermint Cuve It 6tl and L 2a 6U.— Adt*.
Evening Post, Volume LXVI, Issue 55, 2 September 1903, Page 6
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