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The illness from which Mr. John Blackott, C.E., was sufforiner severely when wo went bo press on Saturday has torminatod fatally, (loath occurring at Lancas'cr House, Wellington Torraco, at noon yostorday. Tho nows of tho. death, although not qnito unexpected, has been received witli genuine feelings of regret. A moro upright, hurdworking, and conscientious man, was not to bo found in any part of the colony, and ho has gone to hi* last rest respected by all classes in the community. Tho late Mr. Blaokott was a native of Nowcastlo-on-Tyno, whore ho was born in 1810, and was brought up as a mechanical onginoor. Subsequently ho became a member of tho Instituto of Civil Engineers, and hold the position of draughtsman and office engineer to tho Great Western Steamship Company botween 18 11 and ]B'J4, leaving their sorvico to becomo head ongiucor in tho iron shipbuilding and railway works of Mr. T. 11. Gnppy. After that ho was engineer of gome copper mines in South Walos, and on sovoring his connection with them ho practised for three years as an engineer on his own account. In 1851 ho canio out to Now Zealand, settling in Now Plymouth, and ondurod all the hardships of tlio early residents in that part of tho colony. Ho afterwards removed to Nolson, and on tho 30th August, 1859, ho was appointed Provincial Engineer, a position which ho filled with conspicuous energy and ability. During his lonm-o of tho office, ho carried out many difficult works, and thoroughly explored tho country lying botween Nelson and tho West Coast. In 1870 he entered tho sorvico of the General Government, and hold tho position of Acting -Engineor-in- Chief until 1871, when ho received tho appointment of Assistant Enginoor-in-Chicf. On the lGlh May, 1878, ho was appointed Kngincer-in-Ohargo for Iho North Island, Mr. W. N. Blair, who died a few years ago, occupying a similar appointment in tho South Island. On the 18th Angust Mr. Blackett received the appointment of Eugineer-in-Chief for the colony, aDd remained in that office until 1889, when ho loft for London to become Consulting Engineer in that city for tho Government of New Zealand, his principal dnty being to inspect material sent ont for public works in the colony. On tho 31st Octobor last ho obtained three months leavo of absence prior to retiring on ponsion, and ho returned to the colony by the Doric with his wife and two daughters about threo weeks ago, looking forward to spending a few moro yoars amongst ns. On tho way out from London ho suffered severely from indigestion, and his heart also troublod him, but serious consequences worn not apprehended. A fow days after ho landod, however, ho became seriously ill, and although Dr. Anson was uniemitting in his attention, death occurred yostorday. Had he lived he would have rotirod on a pension of J2550 a year, from tho first of next month. Tho deceased gentleman, who was 74 years of ago, loaves a wife, two daughters, and a son, tomonrn their loss. Mr. Blackott, jnn., is holding an important engineering appointment in tho Argontino Eopnblic. Another son, Sir. Goorgo Blackett, died in Nelson about five years ago, when holding tho post of Residont Engineer in that district. Tho following graceful reforonco to tho lato Mr. Blaekott was mado by tho Minister for Public Works in his annual statement to Parliament last year: — "On tho 31st of October noxt Mr. John Blackett, who at present fills tho position of Consulting 'Engineer for tho colony in England, will rctiro from tho public service on a wellearned pension. Mr. Blaekott has boon in tho public servico for moro than 33 years, partly under the Provincial Government of Nelson, but principally nndor the General Government of tho colony. During this longthoned period ho has successively filled tho offices of Provincial Engineer, Nelson, Assistant Engineer-in-Chief, Engineor-in-Ohargo for the North Island, Marino Engineer, Engincer-in-Chiof, and Consulting Engineer in England, in all of which positions ho has rendered distinguished servioo to the country. On his retirement at a ripe ago, and after so lengthenod a period of service, it affords me much pleasuro to thus bear official testimony to his great worth as a faithful public servant." Tho funeral takes place to-morrow morning. The Public Works Office is to be closed until 2 p.m. as a mark of respect, and also to allow of the staff taking part in iho obsequies.
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Evening Post, Volume XLV, Issue 6, 9 January 1893, Page 2
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745DEATH OF MR. JOHN [BLACKETT, C.E,] Evening Post, Volume XLV, Issue 6, 9 January 1893, Page 2
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DEATH OF MR. JOHN [BLACKETT, C.E,] Evening Post, Volume XLV, Issue 6, 9 January 1893, Page 2
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