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Installation of Sir H. A. A tkinson.
The imposing ceremony of installing Bro. the Hon. Major Sir Harry Albert Atkinson, K.C.M.G., as Right Worshipful District „ Grand Master of Wellington, North Island f, of Nf w Zealand, nnder the English Conßtitution, and in fiucctssion to R.W. Bro. C. J. j, Toxward, resigned, which took place in the % old Provincial Council Chamber lastnieht, f attracted a brilliant and representative i assemblage of the craft, including officers of -, high rant from all parts of the colony. 'I he hall wa* very tastefully and suitably decorated and arranged, although somewhat too small to comfortably accommodate the ( large company assembled. The gallery was t occupied by a numerons orchestra (led by a Bro. M'Glashan) and an efficient choir, Bro. Robertson, District Grand Organist, offioiating as condnctor. The incidental music was admirably rendered. The Pacifio Lodge, * No. 517, E.C., the oldest craft lodge \ in the colony, was tylcd at 6 p.m.. the W.M. Bro. W. D. Lyon presiding. After the i transaction of some ordinary lodge business , the Bight Worshipful District Grand Master J of Wellington, North Island of New Zealand, | Bro. C. J. Toxward, was announced, accom- , panied by the officers of the District Grand ' Lodge, and being received in due form they* ] assumed direction of the lodge. All the brethren below the rank of Past Master then retired, and a Board of Installed Masters bein? formed, the R.W.D.G.M. ' Designate, Bro. Sir Harry Albert Atkinson, ' was duly obligated as an Installed Master. ' The Pacific Lodge then resumed, and tbe R.W.D.G.M. andoffioers of theD.G.L. havinsr retired, visiting craft lodges and visiting brethren were admitted and received. The lodges which attended were as follows : — N.Z. Paoifio, 517, E.C., W. D. Lyon, W.M. ; Tonganro, 705, 8.C., M. Cottle, W.M.; Wellington, 1521, E.C., G. Rabertson, W.M.; Greytown, 1720, E.C., Dr. Bey, W.M. ; Feildlng, 19W, E C, W. Carthew, W.M. ; Ruapehu, 2137, E.C.. C. G. Easam, W.M. ; Thistle, 647, S.C, T. E. Price, R.W.M. : St. Andrews, 639. S.C, J. T. Bovis, R.W.M. ; Waterloo, 463. S.C, A. Masters, R.W.M. ; Leinßter, 469, 1.C., F. F. Grady, W.M. ; Gordon Bay, 2194, E. 0., H. Baigent. W.M. ; Sir Donald McLean, 1646, E.C., T. W. F. Marsden, W.M. : St. Thomas, Kilwinning, 659, S.C, D. Harris Hastings, W.M. The following lodges were also represented, although not by their Worshipful Masters : 690, S.C. ; Clutha, 460, S.C. ? St. Andrew, Kilwinning, 481, S.C; St.' Andrew, Dunedin. 432, S.C. ; 722, S.C. ; Thorntree, 512, S.C. ; Westland, Kilwinning, 467, S.C. ; St. Andrew, Auckland, 418, S.C ; St. Andrew, Groy River, 528, S.C; Hawera, 652, S.C; Sir Geo. Cathcart, 617, S.C; 717, S.C ; St. John Operative. 105, S.C. ; Athol, 384, S.C. ; Celtic, Dunedin, 4717, S.C; Ulster, 475, 1.C. ; 419, I C ; Ara, 348, I.C ; De Burgh Adams, 416. 1.C. ; 454, l.C.j Southern Star, 735, E.C. ; Viotory, 1927, E.C ; Star of the West, 647, E.C. ; Southern Cross, 997, E.C; Canterbury, 1048, E.C. ; Prinoe of Wales, 1333, E.C. ; Albion, 2003, E.C. ; Aberoorn, 1813, E.C. ; United Manawatu, 1721, E.C; Ruahine, 2178, E.C. The visitors being all seated, the District Grand Lodge, E.C, constituted as follows, was announced, and entering was received with Grand Honours : — C. J. Toxward, D.G.M. ; G. S. Cooper, D.D.G.M. ; J. G. Cox, D.G.S.W. ; Sir E. O. Gibbes, Bart., D.G. J.W. ; Rev. W. E. Paige and K. Wilson, D.G. Chaplains ; A. De B. Brandon, D.G.R. ; C. P. Powles, D.G. Secretary ; B. M. Manley, D.G. Treasurer; S. Brown, D.G.S.D. ; J. Young, D.G. J.D. ; A. Gray, D.G. Superintendent Works ; E. Buck, D.G. Assistant Direotor Ceremonies ; O. H. Pinel, D.G. Sword Bearer ; W. B. Hudson and J. H. Richardson, D.G. Standard Bearers ; G. Robertson, D.G. Organist; R. J. S. Todd, D.G.P.: J. D. Tripe, Assistant D G.P. ; J. R. Harriss, D.G. Tyler ; J. BeUringer, D.G.S. G. Drury, D.G.J.W., acted as Direotor of Ceremonies. The District Grand Lodge was then formally opened,, and the visiting, Distriot and Provincial Grand Masters and their offioers were announced, and severally received with Grand Honours in the following order :— D.G.L. Auokland, E.C.— G. S. Graham, D.G.M.; W. P. Moat, P.D.G.S.W.; E. Mitohelson, D.G.D.C, ; B, J. Easam, D.G.S.B. ; "<! . P.G.L. Auckland, S.C-Sir F. Whitaker, P.G.M. ; Dr. Johnston, D.P.G.M. ; E. T. Gillon, P.G.S.W. ; H. 1 J: H. Eliott, P.G. J.W. ; J. Jack, Df.G.C. ; D. Greig, P.G. Seoretary ; W. H. Harton, P.G.S.D. ; A. Lindsay, P.G. J.W. ; H. A. Gordon, P.G. Sword Bearer. ' ' D.G.L. Canterbury, E.G.— H. Thompson, D.G.M. ; J. Joyce, D.G.S.W. P.G.L. Canterbury, S.C— Rev. Jas. Hill, 8.G.M. ; W. Maloolm, P.G.S.W. P.G. Lodge Auckland, I.C— R. 0. Hammerton, P.G. Inspector. D.G.L. Otago, E.C — Sir R. Stout, D.D.G M. ; H. S. Fish, P.D.D.G.M. D.G.L. New Zealand South, E.G.— H. Feldwiok'D.G.S. During phe receptions the orohestra performed; Czibulka'B "Seranade Italienne." All Visitors having been reoeived, the W.D.G. Secretary, Bro. C P. Powles, was called on iby the R.W.D.G.M. to read the Patent from the Mob 4 Worshipful the Grand' Master of England, His Royal Highness the Prinoe of Wales, constituting and appointing Major.the Honourable Sir Harry Albert Atkinson Distriot Grand Master of the Wellington District. North Island of New Zealand, with all the powers and privileges incidental to that position. This patent was issued under the seal of the Grand Lodge of England, bore the autograph of Albert Edward, Grand Master, and was beautifully engrossed on vellum. The reading of the patent being over, the Right Worshipful Distriot Grand Master Designate, Bro. Sir H. A. Atkinson, was announced, and entered the Lodge beneath a canopy of purple velvet supported by four Stewards, and esoortod by the Distriot' Grand Deacons. The Right Worshipful D.G.M. of Auckland, E.G.. Bro. G. S. Graham, and the Right Worshipful B.G.M. of Canterbury, E.C, Bro. H. Thompson, leaving the dais, advanced to meet theprocession,the orohestra playing Labitzky 'a Grand Maroh. Half way up the halt a halt was made, and the E. W.D.G.M. of Auckland.Bro. Graham, presented the R.W.G.M. Designate to the R. W.D.G.M. for installation as his snocessor. The R.W. Distriot Grand Master of Canterbury, E.C, Bro. Thompson, then delivered a brief address, and a particularly beautiful prayer was most impressively offered by the Worshipful Distriot Grand Chaplain, Wellington, E.C, the Rev. Bro. Paige. The W.D.G. Seoretary, Bro. Powles, having then read the ancient charges and regulations pointing out the duties of a D.G.M:, and the R.W.DIG.M. Designate having signified his assent thereto, he was advanced to the altar, and took the obligation of Distriot Grand Master, from his predecessor, the R.W. Bro. Toxward. A most eloquent address from the' W.D.G. Chaplain, the Rev. Bro. Paige, followed, in which the duties of the high position to which he had been called were impressively pointed out to the newly installed D.G.M., who was immediately afterward invested with the regalia of his office by the R.W.D.G.M. of Canterbury, Bro. H. Thompson. Bro. Sir Harry Albert Atkinson was then placed in tbe obair, and a flourish of trumpets having been given, he was duly proclaimed as Distriot Grand Master by the W.D.G. Director of Ceremonies; Bro. Drury, and greeted with Grand Honours by the Brethren, tho orohestra performing an andante in G, by Batiste. The Right Worshipful Distriot Grand Master, in feeling and appropriate terms, acknowledged tha high honour conferred upon him by the unanimous voice of the 18 lodges in the Wellington district, in eleoting him to fill the chair which had already had such worthy oooupants as his old friend the late Brother Sir Donald M'Lean, now removed to the Grand Lodge above, and Bro. Toxward. He also expressed thanks to the brethren present for their warm and kindly welcome, and he expressed his intention of paying particular attention to the benevolent duties of the craft. It was his intention, as soon as business permitted, to visit every lodge in the distriot and confer with the brethren. In the cour-o of his remarks, the newly-installed D.G.M. expressed a hopfe, amonnting to conviotidn, that the time wpuld come when, with the prowth of national feeling in the colony. Grand 'Lod,ge of "New Zealand woul4 oe established, and they would all be proud to be known as New Zealand Masons, He regretted that Lord Carnarvon had been prevented visiting this colony,, a'B had he come here he would probably have advanced,' this object. He also stated that he had received a telegram of congratulation from the R. W.D.G.M. of Westland, Bro. Bevan, expressing regret at not being able to be present.
The R.W.D.G.M.'s remarks were received with manifestations of great satisfaction. The R.W.D.G.M. of Auckland, E.C., Bro. G. S. Graham, then, on behalf of his D.G. Lodge, and also on behalf of Bro. Lowry, of the Grand Lodge of England, and of the Grand Lodge of South Australia, tendered congratulations to the newly-installed D.G.M. Similar congratulations were offered by Bro. Thompson, D.G.M. Canterbury, E.C.; Rey. Bco, HUI, D.&M. Canterbury, S.C, i Bro. Hamerton, D.G. Inspector, l.C.j Bro. Sir Robert Stout, D.D.G.M. Otago and Southland E.G. (who also conveyed the congratulations of the D.G.M., Kro. T. S. Graham) ; Bro. Sir, Frederick Whitaker, P.G.M., North Island of N.Z., S.C, and Bro. Feldwiok, D.P.G.M. of Otago and Southland, S C, who also oonreyed the congratulations of the P.G.M. of Otago and Southland, S.C, Bro. Gore, and of Bro Pyke, P.P.G.M. of New Zealand, 8.0. The visiting grand offioers then retired. An instrumental trio, Andante from Sonata No. 25, Reisiger, was admirably played by Bros. M'Glashan, Thomas, and Robertson, and the D.G. Lodge was olosed, the Paoifio Lodge resuming and dosing in due form. The whole of the ceremonies were performed in a very able manner by the respective uffioers, and all the arrangements were excellent. The number of brethren present was about 400. Subsequently a banquet was held in the Masonic Hall, at which upwards of 100 brethren attended. The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured, and the proceedings afforded great enjoyment to all present.
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Evening Post, Volume XXXV, Issue 125, 29 May 1888, Page 2
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1,627Installation of Sir H. A. Atkinson. Evening Post, Volume XXXV, Issue 125, 29 May 1888, Page 2
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Installation of Sir H. A. Atkinson. Evening Post, Volume XXXV, Issue 125, 29 May 1888, Page 2
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