The Chronicle of the 10th inst says : — "The force which left this on Tuesday remained at Alexander's Farm till Thursday at one [a.m., when they marched for Nukumaru, at which place they arrived about ten o'clock the same morning, and took up a position in the immediate neighbourhood of the Nnkumam pah. A f»w Maoris appeared near the pah, some of them on horseback, two especially conspicuous on grey chargers, but they did not fire a shot. A few shells were thrown in amongst them, and they beat a retreat. Major Yon Tempsky's Forest Rangers arrived from Waitatora on the same day, at four p m., and we are informed that the Forest Rangers at Pipiriki are coming down to join this force. Six natives went out to act as guides to Major Yon Tempsky's force. They were accompanied by Major Rookes and twelve troopers, under Captain Percy. The following are the names of the officers who accompanied the force on Tuesday — 50th regt, Lieut.-Colonel Haniley, Lieutenants F.den, Preston, Turner, and M'Gregor; R.A., Lieutenant Campbell ; R.E., Major Brooke ; Military Train, Major Turner, Lieutenant Burke, Ensign Carver ,• Staff, Major Greaves, D.A.Q.M.G., Capt. Leach, D.A.A.G.; Lieutenant White, A.D.C. ; Surgeon M'Kinnon, C.8. ; and Surgeon Home, V.C. Presbyterian Church. — A meeting of the members and seat holders of this church was held on Thursday evening to consider the propriety of building a new church. Rev. Mr. Cumming, of Kangiti-
kei, took the chair ; and after some conversation, the fallowing resolutions were proposed and unanimously canied. It wag proposed by Mr. Montgomery and seconded by Mr. M'Caul, " That this congregation take immediate steps towards raising sufficient funds for the erection of a new and creditable church " Mr. D Bell moved and Mr. Montgomery seconded the proposal, '' That a list be opened tor the purpose of receiving the namvs of members, seat holders, and adherents of the congregation who may be willing to subscribe to a fund for the" erection of a new church, such subscriptions to be made payable either quarterly, half j'early, or at the expiration, of one year from this date according to the option of the subscriber." Mr. W. H. Watt moved, and Mr. James Wilson seconded the third and last resolution, when the meeting concluded.
Evening Post, Issue 107, 13 June 1865, Page 2
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